two branches checked out from master A branch deleted the FileA,B branch on January 1st and put FileA into A FileA on January 2nd. After merging (B merge master, and then merge master), A FileA still exists . Is there any way to avoid or find out in t...
as shown in figure I accidentally changed my name and mailbox to the default value, so I submitted the code. Can I use the git statement to change the submitter s name and mailbox? change the previously submitted name and email! ...
other people s vscode has a special click to git add pull commit push command, but mine doesn t seem to have this function and is also the latest version of . How to use a page that needs to be uploaded? ...
suddenly reported an error one day. The warehouse uses github, which is all right at three o clock. git remote uses the project s ssh, and that s right. The value of is saved and (github setting is re-added on github to indicate that it ...
find Daniel s solution and be grateful ...
git, is configured in webstorm for example, the development reactApp will often execute npm start , and will use ctrl+c when you want to terminate, but then the git window will be closed in webstorm (it is troublesome every time you need to reopen the...
list items ...
the latest version of the git official website installed is always hexo d failure. I hope some boss can send out the installation package of git1.9, which can not be found on Baidu. ...
enter hexo d to appear: fatal: lixinblog does not appear to be a git repository fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. ...
I know that using git s subtree can reference another project B as a subdirectory in one project A, but will reference the entire project B, and I only want to reference some of the code in B. the application scenario is that among several web system...
pull-up substitution code in git has been a problem all the time according to what is said on the Internet, git config can t handle it well. Please tell us how to reset your account or password ...
for git, it is only a simple operation. I would like to ask the team to assist in the general basic process ....
as mentioned, I imported github s project with Aliyun code, but I don t know how to release a version? Ask the great god for advice! Thank you! ...
if you use git push, only the latest commit, will not be uploaded before commit. ...
on the Internet, I GIT one of other people s projects and develop my own . As a result, I modified a file locally in the project, and someone else updated this time, which caused me to report an error in git pull this time. use git stash to save to t...
the gitlab, environment is private, assuming that existing project A has two files A a.txt , A b.txt , and has a series of operations such as commit and merge. now a new project needs to be created due to business requirements, but the new project o...
it s strange that last night the team worked overtime and updated a version to the server, and then I suddenly had this problem when I clicked on the update code. I have encountered such a problem once before, but I have forgotten how to solve it. And ...
commit A-> commitB-> commit C-> commit D now I want to undo the changes to commitB or submit them backwards. ...
when git bash executes the command, the Chinese prompt is not displayed, and it is not garbled, as shown in the figure. option whether zh-CN, UTF-8 is set or useless ...
Why can t vs code debug console output objects be expanded? Ask the boss to tell the mac platform ...
the pause code is as follows: $this->synchronized(function($thread){ if (!$thread->done) $thread->wait(); }, $this); the wake-up code is as follows: $my->synchronized(function($thread){ $thread->done = true; $thread...
write the following code under the app.wepy file to report an error. How to solve it? config = { pages: [ pages index ], window: { backgroundTextStyle: light , navigationBarBackgroundColor: -sharpfff , navigationBarTit...
in the part where thinkphp5 is used as the site configuration item to take effect in real time read the data in the configuration table in the app_init hook function, which can be read in all pages. My idea is to use $GLOABLS. But I see other people ...
I installed "nmred kafka-php ": "0.2.* " this package, the following is the official code <?php require vendor autoload.php ; date_default_timezone_set( PRC ); $config = Kafka ProducerConfig::getInstance(); $config->setMetadataRefre...