when executing git push origin master : The remote end hung up unexpectedly error it is said on the Internet that postBuffer is set bigger, but it still doesn t work! the only thing I have is this project, and the git of other projects is still no...
the local file conflicts with the remote file, but now I don t want to merge the remote file, because there will be a lot of redundant files. What should I do? ...
< H2 > problem description < H2 > I want to download a new sourcetree, and I always get an error when I uninstall the original sourcetree. delete the sourcetree from the control panel, cannot uninstall it, and always report an error < H2 > error pic...
the problem scenario is as follows: I used git rebase-I to merge multiple commit into a single commit, but now I don t want to merge, can I go back to the state before the merge? ...
our group s projects used to release front-end files in a back-end package. Recently, I was doing the separation of movement and movement, and I encountered a problem. the front-end partner told me that when using vue, you shouldn t package all the fr...
after getting the project, cnpm install (Taobao image) install the dependency package , then start the project, report an error, and try again and again. the same operation, others can run, the project is git Synchronize over, do not know what went wro...
git and cmder command line tools always have all kinds of strange problems. Please help us explain or solve them: 1. There is no response when git command line tool runs npm install, but it is normal to change to cmder. 2. Cmder does not respond when...
found on the Internet: .gitattributes + merge=ours, : config.xml config.xml merge=ours git config merge.ours.driver true config .gitattributesgit .gitattributes file pom.conf merge=ours pom.conf diff=nodiff but when there is no conflict, the ...
problem description how to interpret distributed git and centralized svn. there is no doubt that the biggest difference between the two version control tools is the conceptual difference between distributed and centralized. but in practice, using s...
HEAD and branch are two special references in git, both pointing to commit. And in general, HEAD points to branch and then points to commit, but when HEAD is free, it no longer points to branch but directly to commit, so it seems inaccurate to say that ...
my understanding of the principle of git is that every time git commit, it generates a tree object, a parent object (if not submitted for the first time), and a commit object. The top-level tree corresponds to the entire working directory, and there are...
I loaded and loaded the code from github, generated the application the first time, but failed to regenerate it the second time. Either the header file could not be opened or the lib was not linked. and I, git, query the history of a certain branch an...
before, the branch submitted the code to the remote warehouse, and then executed git reset and then executed git pull, which prompted that there was no association with the remote warehouse and could not git pull . There is no tracking information for t...
problem description my gitlab has been configured with a public key. Testing ssh-t "git address " in git bash shows correct, but testing ssh-T in idea prompts Permission denied (publickey). the platform version of the problem and what methods you ...
0b7b964 (HEAD -> master, origin master, origin dev, origin HEAD, dev) msg5 in dev a3f9fb8 msg4 in dev ac877f7 msg2 in master 9c8c1d2 msg1 in master 126e2ef dev msg3 1c3919f dev msg2 9adb203 dev msg1 f911a15 Initial commit the content of dev is sub...
well, I modified the code on one branch, but found that the branch was wrong. I want to commit all the current code to another branch instead of the current one. ...
problem description for example, I installed jdk and set it in the system environment variables. Executing java or javac on the command line can execute the relevant commands, but I can t find java, in msys2 and prompt me that I can t find the c...
first question: is there a primary branch and a secondary branch in Git? Read the article that master is the main branch, so if you create a new branch at this time, will the other branches be considered sub-branches? read the article and learned tha...
problem description git, hosting platform under uses the code cloud; has only one main branch of master; colleague s code pull has gone wrong. I ignored the mandatory error for him, pull down, and then put the local push on; results that his code...
Environment: Windows 10 system; I have a github.com account and a gitlab.com account. The configuration on the Windows system is as follows: rxwangwb_rsagithubgitlab_rxwangwb_rsagitlabconfig: githubgitlabgitlab push: : the submission is su...