in Wechat browser, it is required and only required to be compatible with iOS8+ and Android4.4+ existing icon is bound with click event fullScreen . After clicking this button, the video vdo of inline can be full screen: . const fullScreen = e =&g...
write a line chart with native JS, right-angled ones can be written, but now you need to change into a smooth curve, similar to: the inflection point is still at a right angle, is there any god who can provide the next solution ...
A picture grows slowly when it slides up to a certain extent. Why does it bring out a line that has been entangled all night? I can t find the reason. ...
is not to analyze user browsers, but to evoke Wechat app in Weibo app and open a link with Wechat app; WeChat Work can have this function, whether Weibo has a similar configuration. ...
I ve been looking for it for a long time, but I can t find it. 1. After the direct upload of web is completed, the server cannot know whether the file was uploaded successfully, who uploaded it, and the information of the file 2. Using web to dire...
want to explain how to make table different colors? is not different. is . <table> <tr> <td width="100">a< td> <td><a>< td> < tr> <tr> ...
http: demo. ask for help: the principle of inertia retardation effect in demo touchmove ...
as shown in the red box of the second picture, is there any recommendation for this plug-in? Thank you. the screenshot is uploaded, so let s just look at it. nothing can be found in vueawesome. ...
adopt a reward of 10 yuan, 1045 Access denied for user root @ localhost (using password:NO) recently, when I was at the front end of my self-study, I came into contact with a little bit of database. This happened when I made a new connection on ...
this method is included in the constructor of most components, so what exactly is this method for constructor(props,context){ super(props,context) } ...
what is the current level of support for vw,vh layouts in mobile browsers? ...
wrote an H5 page. According to the official description of Wechat jssdk, it is found that the shared icons and descriptions are invalid. the code is like this ....
do the gods have plug-ins for uploading attachments in the mobile version that can also be uploaded more than one? ...
description: a regular match is given to the content of an input box, and the matching content is the product activation code. looks like this: "0C31-0B81-BB32-3094-0C31-0B81-BB32-3094 " Code: $( -sharplicenseCode ).keyup(function () { le...
ask a question, for example, in the box in the picture, I randomly point to a number in the graph, then the adjacent squares of this number are also clicked, and then the adjacent squares of these adjacent squares are also clicked. Recursively (for e...
how to encapsulate an ajax, callback with Es6 syntax, use promise callback ...
as the title frame version is 5.6 ...
given an array, for example: var arr = [ [ 1 , 15 , 56 ], [ 1 , 15 , 56 ], [ 3 , - , 56 ], [ 1 , 78 , - ], [ 1 , - , 56 ], ] is there any elegant way to find the maximum value of the irregular two-dime...
how does the background management system display in the background to set the time and place of the last login ...