app.js < span> No Access-Control-Allow-Origin headerAccess-Control-Allow-Headers`http: localhost:8089 api test`, null) .then(response => { console.log(; }); find a solution ...
insert Datagram error await is only valid in async function using the mysql statement in wafer2 : ...
the leader requires that if you use node as the middle layer, request the backend api,node layer to use the koa2 (2.5.1) framework to provide an interface to the browser, but it is normal to return some dead data as a test when the backend development i...
here I want to use the latest asynchronous way of es6 to achieve, ask for your advice! As I wrote below, I can upload pictures, but I just can t return the body data. So the result is that the picture has actually been uploaded, but the interface shows...
For the project written by koa2, the koa-passport,koa-session, is used to verify whether or not to log in to the specified page. By default, the user information is saved in session when logging in, and the user information is deleted. If you do not log...
I want to request different static files according to the type of client for example, the same address requested by my mobile rel= and pc http: localhost:3000 images 1.jpg, but the returned image is different . const Koa = require( koa ) const path...
const session = require( koa-session ); const Koa = require( koa ); const app = new Koa(); app.keys = [ some secret hurr ]; const CONFIG = { key: koa:sess , ** (string) cookie key (default is koa:sess) * ** (number || session ) maxAge...
there is no problem in creating a file in txt format, but when you create a file in js format, you will see that [object Object] is written like this. IndustryReader is a [{}] Array (object) format from other files. const industryReader = require(...
how can I access manhour without writing path parameters? in addition, I would like to ask, do not directly operate the database, only interface forwarding, koa2 can have the concept of model ? now I am using the chained router.get ( manhou...
The idea of is like this url => => (DONE) or (NEXT) => (403) or (DONE) meta information that can be set up for routing is inspired in vue-router auth: true you can know whether permission is required for this url. but what should I do wh...
Front desk: : ctxundefined ctx.body, is set, but the front end is still 404 what s going on ...
https: koajs comp. source link koa callback const fn = compose(this.middleware); fn(ctx).then(handleResponse).catch(onerror); fncomposectxnextundefined compose function compose (middleware) { .... return function (context, next)...
using koa2 s middleware, I want to implement an interceptor in order to perform some processing on all requests. The code is as follows: when visiting , the middleware is executed and and 1111 are printed at the terminal, but the page shows tha...
is there any difference below? controllers async function get (ctx, next) { const res = await models.test.get() = ******* ******** ctx.body = await next() } module.exports = { ge...
the business you want to achieve is to render the page first, and then add content to the page through ctx.body the core code is as follows await ctx.render( crawler , { title: , content: `<h2>< h2> <h4>...
is it necessary for RT: to do this? if you don t think this is necessary, how can koa-router standardize the interface path and html path? ...
how does RT:koa2 manage api routing and page routing? ...
how to deal with it generally, all I can think of is to do some interfaces on the node server, as shown in the following figure: routes news.js const router = require( koa-router )({ prefix: news }) const config = require( .. config ) ...
I fumbled to do web development with koa2, and now I find that the front desk is unable to request data. I would like to ask what is unreasonable? controllers page.js models pageModel.js public routes index.js views page.ejs app.j...
how to get controllers frontListNewsCenter.js data in router.get ( ) of routes news.js routes news.js const router = require( koa-router )({ prefix: news }) const config = require( .. config ) const controllers = require...