RT Route is: koa-router A parameter is handwritten in the browser address bar, which can be obtained by the server. It is written on the a tag but reported 400 ....
const MongoClient = require( mongodb ).MongoClient; const url = mongodb: localhost:27017 ; Database Name const dbName = youyue ; var obj = {}; module.exports = async(ctx,next)=>{ const num = ctx.query.num, page = ctx.query.pag...
router.get( meibrain , async (ctx, next) => { await ctx.render( meibrain , { imgSrc: images newsbannenr.png , koa-router }) })...
require( babel-register ) const express = require( express ) const webpack = require( webpack ) const webpackConfig = require( . webpack.config ) const app = express() webpack var compiler = webpack(webpackConfig); webpack-dev-server var ...
the subject has just learned node and back-end knowledge. There was a problem when combining the previous todolist written in vue with the back-end code (login section). Front end Code-vue methods methods: { checkHasLogin () { axios.get( ...
1. First of all, get the order list through the query, and then add the user name and user password for each order object through the for loop. When I console.log, the console has output, but when I, ctx.body = {data:orderList}, the result obtained asyn...
A server built with koa2 wants to use koa-faivcon to load page logo, but it doesn t work. Does this middleware depend on anything else? < hr > Project directory is as follows: reference code is as follows: app.use(favicon(resolve( . publ...
I would like to ask you bosses about the problems in the direction of learning how to learn Node has always been my doubt. The blogs and tutorials I read on the Internet are all about learning several core modules of Nodejs (fs,path,event,buffer,http)...
ctx.set( Content-disposition , attachment; filename=district.csv ); ctx.set( content-type , text csv; charset=utf-8 ); ctx.statusCode = 200; ctx.body = csv; set excel to open or garbled in this way ...
for example, the front and rear separation project vue + axios + koa2 + java (springboot) uses restful style api question: what role does koa2 play? Specifically, what code should be written in koa2? Under the vue+koa2 front-end combination, where...
ctx.body = await service.get_search_data(start,count,keyword,(err,res)=>{ if(err){ return ; }else { return res; } } ) The res in the callback function can accept the data, so why can t the ctx.body accept it? ...
several interfaces are written with koa+mongodb. Cross-domain errors are always reported when requesting with ajax, even if cors is used in koa. Google has done a lot of things but still hasn t solved the problem . const cors = require( koa2-cors ); ...
question 1: why is the middleware in the koa2 framework written in the form of async, rarely in Synchronize mode (that is, without async)? For example, app.use(async (ctx, next) => { const start = new Date() await next() const ms = new Date() ...
my page uses the views layouts index.hbs template, in which there are three links corresponding to three pages. The question now is: how can I get the current path, because I want to set the active class name to the corresponding link according to t...
I found a project on github that I want to introduce locally to see this problem, and I don t have a game.json file for guidance ....
what should I do if I want to get the return value of this method? Get the prompt undefined in this way methods: { test () { console.log(getBrowserInterfaceSize()) }, getBrowserInterfaceSize: function () { var pageWidth = wind...
video playback level becomes the highest, overwriting the following on the left is the effect after the video is played. Slide below to cover the following content ! [picture upload.] ...
premise : The project is packaged into apk using cordova , and the plug-in cordova-plugin-splashscreen is used to do the app startup animation. This step has been implemented. Target: effect 1: I have seen a lot of app, such as NetEase ...
adding key values to react nodes cannot be added to props it adds key to this place. No matter how to delete an item, it will always be deleted from the last one. Please give us an answer . ...