1. The directory structure of the project is as follows | app | people |less | model I introduced the less file into the html file in model. If I write it this way, I will get an error .. less modehtml.less . must you find the root directory on...
.container-fixed(@gutter:30px) { margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; padding-left: floor((@gutter 2)); padding-right: ceil((@gutter 2)); &:extend(.clearfix all); } .clearfix{ &:before, &:after { content: " &q...
problem description the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures) what result do you expect? What is the error message actu...
current status: I am now a project, there are 1k websites, these sites are just different styles, each site has its own personalized css style, for example, the color of the button of different sites is different. requirements: all websites now add a ...
that is, the content is on one line, but you can scroll left and right to see more text ...
if you want to implement custom .less global styling in iview, first I create a theme directory in src to store less files, and then create index.less, files under theme: @import ~iview src styles index.less ; Color @primary-color : -sh...
.textarea >>> .el-textarea{ margin-bottom: 20px; } in the style of vue, the above code is fine if you don t write lang= "less ", but after using less, the console reports an error, saying that there is something wrong with that code. Can ...
how do I control the transparent gradient of the background image (not solid color) from top to bottom? how do you make the following obvious boundary disappear and make the two seem to combine? it doesn t work even if I look it up a lot. ...
as shown in the picture uploaded locally, click to get the coordinates of each place in the picture, and draw a rectangular box on the picture according to the 4 angular coordinates. how to draw it? The great god gives advice. my picture is displayed i...
problem description using less to write css, requires setting a background image, which doesn t work. related codes .check{ width: 10px; height: 8px; position: absolute; background-image: require( . images check@2x.png ) no-repea...
the automatic completion of html tags for 1.vscode requires the installation of the HTML Snippets plug-in, and then the preference setting is valid as follows: "files.associations": { "*.vue": "html" }, 2. A red wavy ...
1. Because the page uses a template engine three times, ajax requests data from the same interface three times. 2. Since they all belong to the same interface, I want to request the interface once and cache the data, and then let the template engine get...
The problem above is indicated in the less file, but no solution can be found. the code is as follows each(12 14, { .fs-@{value} { font-size: unit(@value, px) } }) ...
problem description suppose I create a vue project, in which I create a component (page) A _ Magi B, and then I create a container component C ~ ~ C is just a container. I refer to C in An and B respectively, but I hope that C in AB is not the same co...
the code in App.vue is as follows onLaunch (options) { console.log(options.scene) if (wx.canIUse( getUpdateManager )) { const updateManager = wx.getUpdateManager() updateManager.onCheckForUpdate(function (res) { if (res.hasUpd...
body { font-size: 20px; line-height: 2; } .em { font-size: 2em; background: -sharpccc; } how much should the line-height above be in the end? I m not sure: .em inherits the line-height property of body, does it inherit the value of 2...
first of all, let s explain that Xiaobai has just come into contact with the vue-cli configuration project my needs are as follows: different domain names can be packaged according to different command lines, that is, the corresponding domain name en...
as you can see in the picture, it indicates that there is something wrong with the symbol, but it doesn t say what the problem is, it can be said to be very broken. [less] semi-colon expected [less] {expected [less] at-rule or selector expected ...
there are three elements in the container: there is a div position on the left and right for the absolute, and a problem occurs in the middle of the img width:100%,: html: <section class="display"> <div class="left"&g...
look at the mixin on the official website with parentheses. In actual development, parentheses are sometimes omitted, and the compilation results of the following less are all the same. Can you indicate whether adding parentheses means the same meaning ...