I configure the introduction of less in create-react-app by installing react-app-rewire-less in the way that the official website of antd is installed. there is no problem with className = "header " if you directly import . App.less , and then us...
for example, now I have a bunch of strings, such as: my mother takes me * *. now how do I convert "Mom take me " to Mom take me and render it in react as bold. instead of rendering to Mom take me * or like this ...
1. Refer to the short path in the less file like the js file. 2, webpack.config.js are as follows resolve: { extensions: [ .js , .json ], alias:{ src:path.resolve(__dirname, src ), components: src components , route...
how does the Vue project realize one-click skinning on a website The item is the less, in which the css style is used and is written in the .vue file how to change the color of the website with one click ...
the error message appears when the project is running. ERROR in. src App.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&lang=css Module parse failed: Unexpected character - sharp (26:0) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. ...
at present, we want to achieve a function similar to Weibo thumbnails, with inconsistent width-to-height ratios, so now we need to fully display the pictures in the middle. How can it be achieved without a background map? Too wide picture, stretch height...
as shown in the figure, the tab switch using the dynamic components of vue now wants to highlight the navigation! Click to log in and highlight the display, the registration highlight is invalid, and vice versa. Code: <div class="title&...
what can be done to transfer the value of 1.vue mobile input to the background 2. After getting this design draft, what do you need to think about vue operation data? 3. Some selected dates require components to implement input. Can they still be loop...
post the error message directly ERROR in . app index.less (. node_modules _css-loader@0.23.1@css-loader!. node_modules _less-loader@2.2.3@less-loader!. app index.less) Module build failed: TypeError: Cannot read property lessLoader of undefined ...
background picture of vue landing page is not displayed: loader { test: .(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)( ?.*)?$ , loader: url-loader , options: { limit: 10000, name: utils.assetsPath( img [name].[hash:7].[ext] ) } } less...
<div> <div>***< div> <div>***< div> <div>***< div> <div>***< div> <div>***< div> < div> the figure is as follows: I am currently writing based on the table property of displa...
css file mode import . index.less is introduced into vue. After being packaged in this way, all css are global styles. Is there any way to solve this problem? if style tags are officially recommended to add scope, css encounters a problem that css...
for example, my padding value is 20px 30px . is there any way to replace this value with 20rem 30rem I see a unit function in the less document that can replace units, but this can only replace a single unit, such as 1px 2px 3px 4px , which ...
babel-plugin-importlessless-loaderimport antdlesscss create-react-appnpm eject:1.package.jsonbabel-plugin-import 2.webpack.config.dev.jsless: is that you can t use less, in antd. I really don t know what s wrong with it. ...
webpack4.x less has been introduced and used in the H1 tag, but there is no style on the final page. index.js index.less webpack.dev.js : ...
there are two files a.less .a{ color: red; &-b{ padding: 20px; } } b.less @import . a ; a.less .main { .a; color: red; .content { .a-b; padding: 20px } } if you take out a.less .aMub {padding: 20px} separ...
now there is a less .has-error{ .ant-form-explain{ color: @error-color !important } .ant-select-selection{ border-color: @error-color !important; } .ant-input { border-color: @error-color !important; } .a...
the whole project is ts architecture. This is my babelrc configuration. The style of the project is written in less, but when "style " is set to true, the style cannot be packaged. Only when it is set to css can it be packaged. { "presets"...
in consulting the mobile adaptation problem, the following solution is found: @charset "utf-8"; * pxrem * @function px2rem($px, $base-font-size: 64px) { @if (unitless($px)) { @warn "Assuming -sharp{$px} to be in pixels, a...
while learning js, I saw an article suggesting that arrays should be modeled, and now I have some doubts. original array: [{id:"111",title:"title1",body:"body1"}, {id:"222",title:"title2",body:"b...
now the data is as follows: var _arr = [{ area : , name : },{ area : , name : },{ area : , name : },{ area : , name : },{ area : , name : },{ area : , name : }]; want to reassemble the data...
I am on page An and then I skip a spliced address through the winodw.open method. this address is opened via window.open to download a file. But if you jump to B, there will be no cookie. What if something goes wrong ? ...
how does the address of the background image taken by the interface change the background image of the outermost page? wxss page { background: url("http: music.163.com api img blur 109951163240732641") no-repeat; background-position: 5...
1.publicconfig.default.js question: why http: localhost:9999 cannot directly access the front-end interface, and why I cannot find the http: localhost:9999 device_monitor path at the address. ...