huangwhMac:~ huangwh$ brew update ==> Downloading https: bottles-portable-ruby portable-ruby-2.3.7.leopard_64.bottle.tar.gz -sharp-sharp-sharp-sharp-sharp-sharp-sharp-sharp-sharp-sharp-sharp-sharp-sharp-sharp-sharp-sharp-sharp-sh...
is the git branch shown later. How to make it not displayed? this function is not needed very much. ...
The network can now connect, but the pop-up box cannot be closed, and clicking cancel or performing diagnostics has no effect. How can I force these pop-up windows to be closed? qa-source ...
Do not automatically increase when dragging to the right at 08:00. What should I do? Currently, 1 hour will be added automatically when dragging. ...
at first, vim reported an error, but after troubleshooting, iterm2 began to report an error after switching to bash, it still reported an error Last login: Wed Aug 29 21:09:35 on ttys000 -bash: etc profile: line 15: unexpected EOF while looking for m...
how to change the term effect on phpstorm to this on iterm2 the main problem is front jagged, no iterm2 neat problems with installing zsh on mac show the effect of zsh on phpstorm zshiterm2 ...
the CC process appears in the background every time it is restarted. I have set the startup of the application not to start the application, but the daemon will still start itself. Please tell me how to solve the problem ....
problem description after the mac computer installs confluence6.6.2, the installation process is fine. After you create a new document, you cannot save the document (make sure there are no special characters). Enter 1 for title and 1. for content. ...
< H2 > as shown in figure < H2 > when Mac comes with terminal to connect linux through SSH , after VPS uses this script, the terminal will not be able to use backspace normally. It is always the same in ^ , vi , and cannot be deleted....
but the app provided by iFlytek Input uses iphone as the microphone input, which is quite good, and the recognition rate is very high. but when you see Sogou Input of Mac today, you can input voice directly. It seems to be a test function. Not even a ...
problem description I installed mysql on mac last year, and it was no problem to use it. Later, it may be due to system updates and running errors, so I deleted the previous files according to the online tutorials and re-downloaded the latest vers...
MAC OS crontab does not have permission to execute git submission error report The .sh file can be submitted directly on the command line. But execute the error after configuring the crontab automation script: Permission denied (public...
the problem of shipping to regular expressions when using find to find files in Terminal on Mac . I want to find files in the current folder and subfolders that contain x Men and Wolverine . I wrote as follows, but I can t find the files. (make ...
<video playsinline autoplay controls muted> <source src="xxx"> < video> I found that the macOS version of the Google browser works, but the RWD Google browser doesn t work either safari. RWD s safari can RWD. I have a se...
the tag folder does not work in the access of macOS? What s going on? ...
error compiling Swoole compile command: . configure --with-php-config= Applications MAMP bin php php5.6.30 bin php-config --enable-coroutine --enable-openssl --enable-http2 --enable-async-redis --enable-sockets --enable-mysqlnd...
how does Clion use GCC s class library under Mac? I use mac, 10.12 (16A323) and install GCC, using homebrew. There is no problem typing gcc-4.9 on the command line lyzdeMacBook-Pro-3:~ lyz$ gcc-4.9 -v Using built-in specs. COLLECT_GCC=gcc-4.9 COLLECT...
problem description error was reported when mac installation mongodb4 started etc mongod --config usr local etc mongod.conf 2018-07-28T12:24:44.168+0800 I CONTROL [main] Automatically disabling TLS 1.0, to force-enable TLS 1.0 specify --sslDisabl...
macos mouse over a window and the window automatically jumps to the front. What s going on? ...
problem description how does mac kill its own apache server the usual method on the Internet has been used and has been restarted. ...
babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy is installed and error message is configured in .babelrc store countStore.js import { observable, action, computed, runInAction, autorun, extendObservable } from mobx ; class CountStore { @observable...
react web Project Why the page doesn t work after my code is modified, and it doesn t work to refresh the browser. It has to be re-npm start before it responds. ...
problem description for vue-cli-based projects, an attribute is not allowed to be defined multiple times in: Unhandled promise rejection SyntaxError: strict mode in IE11 browser, as shown in the following figure: which god knows what caused this? ...
the project is packaged using vue-cli + webpack. the occasional Loading chunk 5 failed, refresh on the test suit does not prompt an error, and everything appears to be normal. I am also very puzzled, please help to analyze the reasons. the following is...
the framework currently being developed and used is the thinkphp3.2 version . The problem encountered now is that different browsers operate the same user s information at the same time, information will initially read the table, and then there will b...