write content_by_lua_block in nginx to get output by direct curl access, and the web page access status is always in pending. ...
< H2 > as shown in the original words in the book: < H2 > 301 https: ryoma.top icon nginxicon ...
the vue-cli project has been deployed to the formal environment. There is no address of in the project. Access-Control-Allow-Origin has also been set up * , but this problem still occurs ....
my local development needs Baidu api using http: api.map.baidu.com . But browsers can have cross-domain problems. wants to use nginx reverse proxy to solve the problem, but the configuration of nginx doesn t seem to work. The following is the config...
-sharp server { listen 80; charset utf-8; -sharprest location abc { proxy_pass http: test.com ; } } the requirement is like this. All local access addresses with abc are forwarded by proxy. For example, accessing h...
the project has been working well online, but recently there has been a very strange phenomenon these two files initially display 200 ok and then become failed. I confirmed that these two files exist in the project on the server, and I don t know ...
2018 03 16 13:29:25 [info] 24306-sharp24306: *3 client timed out (110: Connection timed out) while SSL handshaking, client: x.x.x.x, server: see this error in nginx s error log, and it s strange that nginx s log level shows that it s [in...
the server has 8 cores of cpu,16G memory, and centos7.3.1611 has been installed with opcache, enabled. All configurations are defaulted ....
the dist file generated after the vue project is packaged is reported to the server for error and cannot be accessed normally. It is very normal on localhost. After searching a lot of web articles, the reason cannot be found out ...
1. Premise: passed the ssl application in Tencent Cloud, https: cloud.tencent.com doc.; get the Nginx certificate and follow the tutorials in the link to install the certificate https: cloud.tencent.com doc. 2. Question: Where is the tu...
fastcgi configuration: location ~ .php(.*)$ { fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_split_path_info ^((?U).+ .php)( ?.+)$; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fa...
as mentioned, I encountered some problems when configuring nginx for the first time. Nginx has started normally, but the corresponding page resources cannot be loaded through project routing. what data or log screenshots should I provide to help you sol...
main domain baidu.com subdomain b.baidu.com you can Http to Https such as http: baidu.com-> https: baidu.com http: b.baidu.com-> ...
there are several URLwww.example.com abc 1.html www.example.com bdc 3.html www.example.com utf 2.html in this form. You want to redirect to the corresponding test.example.com abc 1.html test.example.com bdc 3.html test.example.com utf 2.html . Dir...
there are two servers, primary server An and standby server B, which are used to place the website project access website domain name to access the primary server A how to set up so that after A downtime, the domain name can directly access the standby s...
< H2 > requirements: < H2 > We now have a server with a web address of We want to access 49.x.x.xUnix login.htl through nginx to hide the auth level. ...
1. A 403 Forbidden nginx 1.4.4 error occurred when accessing the Log in.php file through the server s address and file path, resulting in the page not being displayed properly. as shown in figure 2.phpregist.php3. 4. The permissions for each chil...
on Ali CVM, deploy the php development environment using the docker-ce version. After deploying nginx and php-fpm, the end file of the test. Html can be accessed, but the test .php file will report an error as follows: File not found. check the ngin...
fill in the configuration file that you want to use nginx to distinguish between computer and pc: server { listen 5000; server_name localhost; root usr local build; if ( $http_user_agent ~ "(MIDP)|(WAP)|(UP.Browser)|(Smartphone)...
nginx appears 403 Forbidden nginx 1.10.3 you can sign in the html file. When it is forced to open index.php. It becomes a download. html folder gives 777. It also indicates that the permissions are insufficient. All kinds of permissions have been g...
this is my flask code: < H1 > coding=utf-8 < H1 > from flask import render_template, request,flash, redirect, url_for,current_app,abort from. Import main from.. import db from.. models import Post, Comment from flask_login import login_required,...
I don t want him to format it automatically, especially when I m writing less, I paste things and close my curly braces ....
[root@vultr download]-sharp wget --user-agent="Mozilla 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit 534.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome 10.0.648.204 Safari 534.16" https: cdn.hockeyapp.net production app builds 022 778 800 original fc583bc...
the parent component transmits the prop, to the child component. how to transmit the value of the flag variable in the callback to the parent component through the click of the click event? class Child_1 extends React.Component { constructor(pro...
Student.java private int age; private String name; public Student(int age, String name){ this.name = name; this.age = age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setNam...