(axios request) you can request the interface normally on the debug tool and report an error in the nuxt.js framework. The request header information between the two is as follows: nuxt.js : ...
problem description deploy vue isomorphic projects in a production environment, using express at the back end. After the deployment, it was found that the vendor.js size of the vue was very large, and the open code found that "there was no compressio...
add Weibo components to the loop: <div class="itemlist" v-for= itemw in weiboList > <div class="titleDiv"> <div class="textArt" :class="{ textActive :!item...
list.vue <nuxt-link to= personal list center > <p :class="page.side==1? active : "><i>< i><b> >< b> < nuxt-link> in nested routing components beforeRouteUpdate(to, from, next) { ...
the component can be displayed normally by referencing this interface at first, then the error shown in the figure above is reported after requesting Weibo interface: < wb:like appkey= "111 " type= " simple "style= " display: inline-block;padding-t...
problem description dynamic nesting routing of nuxt.js does not refresh data cate 2 switching to tag 21 will re-render (cate and tag are dynamic routes) but cate 2 switching to cate 21 routing change page wil...
The website was originally written by jq. For seo, I wrote the home page with vue s nuxt.js. How can nuxt jump to the previous jq page and come back? the current situation is that under the same domain name, the home page is vue, but other pages do n...
nuxt templates are automatically compiled and generated and cannot be added directly. How to dynamically add xml namespaces to html tags. For example: add < html xmlns:wb= " http: weibo.com "> or how to add it directly using js. ...
A novice learning vue+nuxt; encounters a problem and is confused for a long time. When refreshing the page, the vuex state security problem in nuxt; problem 1, cooperate with the plug-in vuex-persistedstate for localization, but in store index.js, sett...
npm run dev runtime general report this error, what is going on, and how to solve it? Thank you, God. ...
after nuxt.js is deployed to the server, the file is modified and then overwritten, but the content of the site is still deployed for the first time. how can the server render the latest page every time you upload a file? Crab! ...
nuxt + iview server rendering Why can t all click events be triggered in IE browsers? only the a tag can jump normally * and the data of the child component cannot be populated all the js is not running. click hover rotation chart setting l...
how does the unxt framework add XML namespaces to the interface? For example: < html xmlns:wb= " http: open.weibo.com wb "> how to add namespaces dynamically? I don t think there s any description in the document. Thank you for the emergency ...
the problem starts along Login page I design the background color for body, and then jump to the home page after a successful login. But the background color still exists. my idea is to jump behind and take the initiative to destroy the correspondin...
nuxt will report an error SyntaxError Invalid or unexpected token I find that it is caused by @ import statement, but I don t know how to correct it plugins element-ui.js import Vue from vue import Element from element-ui lib element-ui.com...
if you expect to deploy a Nuxt project to a non-root directory, how to configure it? searched a lot of materials but couldn t find a way. ...
problem description how to customize the nuxt.js compiled home page file name? now the home page file generated when I run npm run build to build the project in the project directory is not index.html, but 200.html, and the relevant configuration is n...
inside the asyncData method of the nuxt.js framework let [ FindInstitutionsDetailed, EnterpriseHot, ] = await Promise.all([ P.FindInstitutionsDetailed({ id :context.route.query.id+ }), P.Ent...
css: [ element-ui lib theme-chalk reset.css , element-ui lib theme-chalk index.css , @ assets css main.css ], * * * Plugins to load before mounting the App * plugins: [ @ plugins element-ui ], what does it mean to encounter the...
Navigation is a first-level page, many first-level pages have secondary pages, enter the secondary page navigation will not be highlighted how to break? If it is not a nested route, how can you display the secondary page directly from another route? ...
Why not use Windows shortcuts: shortcuts cannot be edited directly with a text editor (troublesome when editing shortcuts in bulk) shortcuts must add the suffix .lnk under the command line (which should solve this problem) available scenarios: ...
inexplicably, CPU is particularly responsible. And the Job executed by the following code has been executed for several days, but it is not finished. Why can t the program end? this loop is the only one in the entire code, so it should be the unfinis...
1. Introduce the generated vendor_library into plugins new webpack.DllReferencePlugin({ context: __dirname, manifest: require( . dll vendor-manifest.json ), name: "vendor_library", sourceType : vendor_library }) ...
the set of collections I now get through the mongoose query looks like this: [{ _id: "123456", sex: 0 },{ _id: "222222", sex: 1 },{ _id: "111111", sex: 1 },{ _id: "333333", sex: 0 ...
the mobile phone sends CAPTCHA, whether the timing should be before the request or in the success of the request. Should the button be disabled directly by clicking the button? The control of the button has been written in the timing method. ...