BEGIN AN_O_RET_CODE := 0; AC_O_RET_MSG := ; select COUNT (*) INTO COUNTALL from ( select kf_id, kf_name,sessionid,decode(score, 1 , , 2 , , 0 , ,score) as satis,to_char(create_time, yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss ) ...
< H2 > execute statements directly in the database table < H2 > see which objects are locked: select object_name, machine, s.sid, s.serial-sharp from v$locked_object l, dba_objects o, v$session s where l.object_id = o.object_id and l.session_id = s.s...
problem description is the principle of mysql multi-database and multi-table joint query based on Synchronize double writing? the platform version of the problem and what methods you have tried try to find it in books such as mysql performance opt...
< H2 > tables: < H2 > employee employee_orgn: federated primary key (employee_id,orgn_id), index 1, 2:orgn_id employees, index orgn < H2 > sql: < H2 > explain SELECT DISTINCT e.* FROM employee e LEFT JOIN employee_orgn eo ...
select dbms_metadata.get_ddl ( TABLE , ${tableName} ) from dual can be used to query table creation statements then how to query comment creation statements with similar statements ...
sometimes it gets stuck. What if I keep plsql connected all the time? other methods on the Internet have been tried and have not worked ...
SELECT FROM order table WHERE order date | | order time < = 20180725180000 AND type = AND status = AND ROWNUM < *; how to optimize the sql to speed up the query efficiency. ...
isolation level and lock appearance seem to solve the problems caused by database transaction concurrency, right? What s the relationship between the two? I m a little confused ...
the first one: write in java. @ Select ( "select bureau_code from drt_opr_area ") List < String > getAllAreas (); the second: write in xml. < select id= "selectList " resultMap= "BaseResultMap " parameterType= "com.csg.intshop.entity.DrtShopConfi...
Save large chunks of text with clob if(!$this->validate()){ return false; } $model = new Article(); $model->TITLE = $this->TITLE; $model->CID = $this->CID; $model->CONTENT_DATA = $this->CONTENT_DATA; CONTENT_DATACLOB $model-...
1. The number of bank card digits entered by the user on the page is relatively long, so the server is loaded with long type. when saved in the oracle database, the viewing data becomes a scientific notation tag. (it is said on the Internet that the le...
this is the xml file: the following error: -sharp-sharp-sharp Error updating database. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: sql injection violation, syntax error: TODO : COMMA values : insert into BIA_HGU_INFO (HGU_ID, AREA_CODE, BIND_CODE, SN, HG...
select regexp_replace (regexp_replace) Yu 0min Za , , ), [ u4e00 - u9fa5. The running result of ORACLE ORACLE] {1,} , U4e00 - u9fa5. The result of Yu Minli GP running:?? The result of HIVE running in Yu 0 min Za:? 0Za Why are the res...
used sparkSQL to write a UDF, to calculate commission based on performance, but now the demand has changed. The percentage of commission is determined according to position and department. Here s an example spark.udf.register("mmyjtc", (yj: ...
Writing code in pycharm in ubuntu cannot connect to the oracle database, but the tools included in pycharm can connect, and you can connect normally in shell. In the end, you can t find the reason why you keep reporting that it is a 64-bit client, but a...
1, oci and pdo_oci extensions all have 2. The database code is ZHS16GBK . 3. The encoding is set to UTF-8, but the result is in Chinese. new PDO( oci:dbname= orcl;charset=UTF-8 , bi , bi ); 4. Set the code to ZHS16GBK ...
if you want to use Python to extract the emp data table under the-sharpcscott user in the native Oracle database, execute the following program: import pandas as pd import cx_Oracle import os -sharp os.environ[ NLS_LANG ] = SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHIN...
How can this be done in one operation instead of two? < H1 >! usr local bin python3 < H1 > import cx_Oracle con = cx_Oracle.connect ( scott tiger@localhost:1512 ORCLPDB1 , encoding= "UTF-8 ") cursor = con.cursor () cursor.execute ( "CREATE ...