In the nginx server, after hearing an event in the socket, put the file descriptor in the queue and parse it. how to implement async in this process? where does the nginx server reflect async? there is a question I can t figure out all the time. Are ...
$fileType=PHPExcel_IOFactory::identify($filename); $objReader=PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($fileType); at first, it is set up like this: when the file is xls, fileType is excel5, but if xlsx is changed, there is an error of 5000.It is found that as ...
SELECT AS pname, p.icon AS icon, p.price AS price, p.original_price AS original_price, p.prod_id AS prod_id, p.stock AS stock, p.views AS views, AS sname FROM `pr...
I ve read a lot about changing the daemonize in redis.conf to yes , but I don t see where this item is. solve. ...
is the vue project webpack proxyTable used only in the development environment? Now the code is not cross-domain in the development environment, but even cross-domain when packaged online. How to do 1 at present, the development environment does not u...
I used php + ajax to write an ordinary commodity upload system simply upload pictures + some text to the database just how do I write an automated test I can execute a series of upload systems I wrote at the press of a button? ? is there a way to do...
encounter an encrypted file, use NotepadPP to open it normally, you can see that it is garbled, and then some of the code can be decompressed using: gzinflate. but there is a problem. Look at the encrypted file in NotepadPP, which is in UTF-8 format, ...
SELECT AS tname FROM `product` as p JOIN `product_theme` as pt ON pt.prod_id = p.prod_id JOIN `theme` as t ON t.theme_id = pt.theme_id theme product_theme product theme product_theme pro...
exm: 123456. Matching returns: 123456. ...
the editor 1.VS CODE is easy to use and fast to use. Many functions can be completed by installing plug-ins, but I can t find the plug-ins for the configured PHP function comment headers, as shown in figure . at present, after pressing the * + space...
elment-ui el-tree Click rename add child nodes to rename ...
the name of the hypothetical card is 12-912-egjaeigaewogkewaogkeawokgaowegh.PNG how do I skip other values when I want to give a value to unlink ? hypothetical unlink( 12-912-egjaeigaewogkewaogkeawokgaowegh.PNG ); in this way, I can delete vide...
for example, I have a website made of PHP, which shows a lot of content. I think the data of the first part comes from one server, the second part comes from the second server, and the third part comes from three servers. Can this be achieved? ...
< H2 > question < H2 > want to add a shopping cart table, let users add items to the shopping cart, click settlement to generate the order, but do not know how to design and associate < H2 > reference < H2 > the link I referenced https: blog....
search the database, the query cannot be done, and the query result is empty. We know that the string format is ASCII-encoded through mb_detect_encoding, probably because it cannot be queried in this way. How to convert the ASCII-encoded string into ...
at present, we need to make a requirement that php handles the imported excel data. In the process, must the excel file be saved first, and then read this file, and then manipulate the data? Can you directly manipulate the data after uploading and omit t...
We all know that login usually uses session to save a state, which is used to determine whether or not to log in to a website, and different domain names generate different PHPSESSID. question: if we use redis to implement session sharing for single sig...
RewriteRule ^user order$ user order.php because I don t know how to turn on the words, I can t find , so I come to see if anyone knows . the one above can rewrite a single php want to see if you can specify a folder for example RewriteRule ^user ...
1.POST request method request address: service upload_pic.php?puid=indexcode1&chan=01&zptime=20170609090506000&faceid=2&f acescore=60&x=100&y=240&width=720&height=570&age=3&sex=1&glass=1&end=0&stay=10&picnum=2&gpsEW=E&longitude=130345&gpsNS=N&latitud...