We can use xdebug_debug_zval () to view two pieces of information about the zval container, refcount and is_ref. <?php $a = 123456789; xdebug_debug_zval ( a ); echo PHP: . PHP_VERSION; ?> print out on the page: a: (refcount=0, is_r...
Why does the official account of Wechat pay? if the jsapi payment is initiated on the https page, the IOS is a white screen and the payment interface cannot be adjusted, while everything in android is normal ....
Question1: now I want to develop a system for customers, some functions are free, some functions are charged, do you want to turn each major function into a laravel package, and decide what to quote according to the customer s difference? is such a re...
can php read the source, program name, version number and so on in the details of the file? these are the things in the picture above. I can only get the most basic file information with stat. I can t get any detailed information like this ask for...
this is a demo, I wrote with a smarty template. Somehow it just doesn t show the template. Here s my code 01.php templatenews.html01.php ...
business is a collection of query results of two tables, which is exported to Laravel Excel , which almost monopolizes the market in excel,. The result document is so concise that I can t find an api, suitable for my business. I chose a recent "downl...
After php artisan list is executed, there is no make:controller, but make make:migration Create a new migration file make:seeder these two commands, excuse me, is this related to the laravel version? Or do things like make:controller need to be imple...
the front end uses vue family bucket backend Wechat to return the redirect after authorization, and the page cannot enter. the front end jumps to the backend authorization var transferUrl = encodeURI (location.origin+ " @ transfer "); var r...
1, oci and pdo_oci extensions all have 2. The database code is ZHS16GBK . 3. The encoding is set to UTF-8, but the result is in Chinese. new PDO( oci:dbname= orcl;charset=UTF-8 , bi , bi ); 4. Set the code to ZHS16GBK ...
curl request operation public function curlFast($urls = array(), $callback = ,$time = 2000,$head = null) { $t = microtime(true); $response = array(); if (empty($urls)) { return $response; } $chs = curl_multi_init(); ...
now I want to insert the live broadcast code into my web page. For example, if I use the yy live broadcast code to insert the live broadcast code into my computer, there is no problem with my mobile phone. Is there any free or relatively low-cost way to ...
I get the HTML code of the content area through PHP, including the Js code. Then overwrite it to the div whose id is display display then I click a button that id is the same for all pages. then executes two events because different pages perform d...
specific problems are shown in the figure above. Environment, using phpStudy one-click installation, 7. 0 php environment. The framework uses oneThink based on ThinkPhp3.2. Has anyone ever encountered this problem? ...
all visit the website through the domain name, how to identify whether the client is an intranet customer? I have such a need. The column categories seen by the internal network through domain name access are different from those seen by the external ...
wamp3.1.0 64-bit version. Port changed to: 8888 E e: PHP htppd-vhosts.conf hosts: results cannot be accessed. A lot of configurations on the Internet are from a few years ago, not 3.1.0, and there are some changes in many places. I am a begin...
I recently used the twilio service ( https: media.twiliocdn.com s.) and then made a successful call using js. just encountered a problem. after the end of the conversation, twilio s js sdk did not help me to turn off the key alarm on google chrome...
I know the original, but I can t write it in the laravel way, because there are still pages in the back. It s too troublesome to write your own pages. Which god would like to talk about it? thank you. the following is the native sql . select * from ...
** * Excels * * @param string $file * @param array $sheet_names * * @return array|bool * @throws PHPExcel_Exception * @throws PHPExcel_Reader_Exception * public static function importExcel($file, ...
when you import data from an excel file, there are errors when you open the file (as shown below), and you can t read the data correctly, so you need to manually "Save as " to read the data correctly, but this is too inefficient and troublesome, what ...