just come into contact with real-time communication, I know that using websocket is more efficient, but I want to know the implementation process of polling, step by step the timer setInterval for short polling has been implemented, but when the backg...
download projects during manual installation and composer installation, just choose one at random. What did docker installation and docker-compose installation do later? Please explain, thank you! ...
Mini Program entered through the QR code, that kind of distribution mall, if you distinguish each distributor s store through url parameters, how can this model be made into Mini Program? Does every distributor need a separate QR code? ...
for the first time, separate items from front and rear, don t laugh. this is the "account list " interface given by the backend. I installed axios but couldn t get the data. mounted:function () { var Authorization = getCookie( token ); axios...
how does php get the hostname of the current domain name? for example, there is a url: http: m.news.example.com:1000 test helloworld.php. use $_ SERVER [ SERVER_NAME ]; to get the current domain name (without port number), that is, m.news.exam...
the swoole protocol can achieve the performance of asynchronous IO, but compared with asynchronous IO and multithreading, swoole protocol is implemented in Synchronize encoding rather than callback. < H2 > question: < H2 > if the current business ...
how does php get the value of the penultimate element of the array? such as the following array: $arr=[ apple , pear , banana , peach ]; ...
php receives multiple files in the form of form-data, which is required to be multiple files of the same key. The array received by $_ FILTER shows only the information of the first file: spring: how should php receive it, or can php just not do i...
generate QR codes using url https: open.weixin.qq.com connect oauth2 authorize?appid=wxf0e81c3bee622d60&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fnba.bluewebgame.com%2Foauth_response.php&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_userinfo&state=STATE-sharpwechat_redirect scan...
In the high concurrency environment, I want to record the number of clicks per click. The database self-increasing field is id , but there is already a lot of data in it. You can t use id to identify the clicks. If there is any way of thinking, there w...
can you use the scan in the upper right corner of Wechat to call the released Mini Program? similar to Wechat s function of sweeping and worshiping bikes, Mini Program who worships bikes is automatically called above, thank you! ...
the front-end pages and back-end business logic of multi-city websites like 58.com are the same. can we share a front-end code and a back-end code? that is, can I use option 2 below? ...
1. Background: the company works as a domain name. At present, it wants to connect Godaddy s one-price domain name, which has a large amount of data, and only gives an interface for all data, and the product requires that the domain name data be updated...
generate the corresponding loop based on the given number. If 2 is given, a double cycle is generated, and 3 is a triple cycle if 3 is given, then for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; iPP) { for (let j = 0; j < arr.length; jPP) { ...
login.php if(!session_id()) { session_start(); } require_once __DIR__ . vendor autoload.php ; $facebook_appId = 123 ; $facebook_appSecret = 123 ; $fb = new Facebook Facebook([ app_id => $facebook_appId, app_secret =>...
What s the use of ? ...
how to get the size of downloaded files using php I want to make a real-time download progress. I want to return the downloaded file size to the front end ...
the front page is as follows <div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label( phone , ,[ class => col-md-2 control-label ]) !!} <div class="col-md-5"> {!! Form::text( phone ,null,[ class =>...
found this way on the Internet, but I don t know how to add this script. is there a boss who can give a complete process? ...
Today, I found a test method in learning phpunit, but I don t quite understand its principle. This is a test class that failed the test. How should I write the testConsumer method and let the test pass? A strange thing happened here. When I passed th...
I am a globally introduced swiper component, which is normal before auto-rotation is enabled, but after it is enabled. I found a mistake. It s normal until the last one, but when it comes to the last one, it seems to take a little longer, and then the ...
the size of the picture of the design draft is 750mm 1334 I added all the elf pictures to the stage finally, the whole stage is scaled according to the width and height of the actual equipment. However, the picture text seen on the mobile side becom...
I want to use Directive as a public instruction. When the mouse clicks on the target element, the content of a component is displayed, and the mouse leaves and disappears. currently I insert the component with ViewContainerRef when I click. but the in...
CordovaLib UIkit UIkit.h file nit found ionic3 Project, build ios, Open tool is xcode; base SDK 11.3; when the project clicks archive, it prompts an error; if the project chooses another deployment, such as 10.3, it can be build, but archive is no...
-sharp -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from flask import Flask from flask_restful import reqparse,Api, Resource app = Flask(__name__) api = Api(app) parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument( task ) class TodoList(Resource): def post(self): ...