1. The front-end ajax submits data to php _ html as the content to generate pdf (html code) _ name as the file name to generate psdf $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", url: "{...
php uses tcpdf, and the pdf file generated by html has misplaced text paragraphs. What do you need to do? text paragraphs are normal for typesetting under html, that is, when generating pdf files, text paragraphs are misplaced 1 and html, as shown in ...
this is the json structure of Fang Hui this is my method if I want to show it <? foreach ($dataUserList->{ themes } as $key) { ?> <? foreach ($key->{ theme-participants } as $value) { ?> <?=$value->...
set the session expiration time, but never expire the code is as follows prefix => , type => , auto_start => true, expire => 60, ...
var _html= <h1 style="text-align: center; font-weight: 700; font-size: 40px;">< h1> ; foreground ajax post _ html goes to the background php cannot be used directly. What kind of code is this? How do I decode it into normal htm...
can the swoole TCP server get the domain name requested by the client? for example, if I request the domain name www.lot.com locally, how can I get this domain name from swoole s tcp server ...
I have been doing php development for more than 5 years, but I have not done anything about the project so far. I have accumulated experience in a good project. How should I develop in the later stage? ...
has always been a separate Mini Program developer, this contact to open the platform, also registered, but also created applications, authorized their own testing of Mini Program. then creates a Mini Program through developer tools that can also upload...
what technologies do php need to develop LVB? Check some documents yourself, probably using websocket + h5 navigator.getUserMedia API to achieve ~ is there a relatively simple and easy-to-use open source framework? ...
I use filezilla to transfer thousands of files too slowly. Is there a faster way? How long will it take at the earliest? ...
php code is as follows ...
in a business scenario, the data of the same table corresponds to multiple front-end pages, and the copy corresponding to the same status value in each page is different. Currently, it is forcibly changed by the back-end and passed to the front-end, whic...
Laravel file directory vonder stroage are these two directories secure? I want to put WeChat Pay s cert certificate file here. I don t know if it s feasible . or create a new directory, how should the path be written ...
for example, my previous url is http: www.111.com mwxx 2015 ... the path of the file generated after the domain name change and revision of the website has been removed. That is, http: www.222.com mwxx 2417.... server environment how to write this ...
how does win7 upload the host code to the docker image? 1. I have dockertoolbox 2 installed on the win7 system. This is how I run the mirror run the mirror for the first time: docker run-d-it-- name lamp-p 80:80-p 3306-p9501 docker run 9501 bin bas...
for a class that has introduced namespace through use, why can t it be found without namespace when calling dynamically through variables (that is, why code snippets 1 and 2 prompt "class A not found ") <?php namespace aaa; class A { publi...
Use process multiprocess in cli mode. The master process exits and restarts the child process through the SIGCHLD listening child process. swoole_process::signal(SIGCHLD, function(){ while ($ret = swoole_process::wait(false)) ...
for example, the ip address of this machine is: 123.57.XX.XX. if you enter the domain name of ftp, the upload fails, and the error in the following figure is reported. what is the principle that you can succeed if you fill in localhost? $ftp_server =...
php can be read directly with localhost access, and virtual domain name access becomes download. Html file access is normal. I searched the Internet for a long time and knew it was the problem with php-fpm, but I tried a lot of solutions to no avail. Wo...
$ymdh = date( Y m d H ); $findOrderSoFar = mysqli_fetch_array($pdo->query( "SELECT count(public_order_id) as num FROM `order_record` WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, %Y %m %d %H ) = {$ymdh} " )); $i $i = $findOrd...
< IfModule mpm_prefork_module > StartServers 5 MinSpareServers 5 MaxSpareServers 10 MaxClients 30 MaxRequestsPerChild 0 < IfModule > I don t know why cpu usage is always high. After stopping nginx, cpu drops imme...
the click event of the button in part of the model is encapsulated into setActiveNavigationTool (toolbar-name), but it can only perform one operation, such as firstpersion or orbit, etc. How can roaming and cutting exist at the same time without modifyin...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="zh-cn"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text html; charset=utf-8" > <meta name="viewport" content=" width=device-width,user-scalable=no&q...
now there is a need to embed an external site in a background management site as a menu item. Similar to the iframe, click menu, the specified path resources are loaded in the iframe to refresh the local content. But it always feels strange to use iframe...
after you have climbed with scrapy-redis spiders, you will not be able to climb again. If you change the name of the spider, you can crawl again, and if you change back to the original name, you will start the deduplication mechanism again. Although you...