in php7.1, the addition of two strings will report an error as long as one of the non-numeric characters is non-numeric, and non-numeric characters cannot be automatically converted to numeric values, such as alphanumeric characters or 1numerical ch...
there is an array of user_ realname values in the figure. Zhu Fei has duplicates. Now if you want to remove the duplicates, just keep one. How to write this cycle? I am a rookie. I hope my predecessors can give me some advice. no, no, no. ...
subject this function can specify the string to be displayed after two words. " mb_strimwidth(string, 0, 50 , ... , "UTF-8"); question but I now want to implement so that he can find a paragraph and show only one paragraph supp...
I used readfile () in a program that reads pictures and turned off memory buffering to make sure I didn t run out of memory. however, when monitoring resources, it is found that there is twice as much IO as the direct output image of Nginx. Nginx s...
want to achieve an effect similar to Wechat s official account picture and text message in the background, as shown in the figure (official): : on the left is the effect, and on the right is what needs to be involved in adding the form ? What s the ...
is set according to this process and can be used normally before. Later, I don t know what happened, so I couldn t use it. https: KimBing. I downloaded and installed xdebug-2.6.1 copied in opt php71 extensions , and a...
UI library for Smarty. I develop Smarty projects, and I would like to ask, what are the recommended UI libraries plug-ins that work well with Smarty projects? for example, I want a modal pop-up window, which must be very time-consuming to encapsul...
the program uses the linked table to get all the field values of the associated table, and uses each () to generate the generator. Each time the value obtained in the loop contains only the data of the main table but not the data of the associated table,...
< table > < thead > < tr > < th > now the query result in mysql has the following columns. You want it to output "adv. ". Choose between the two, otherwise, or "how do you write this sql? < th > < tr > < thead > < tbody > < tr > < td > pid < td ...
suppose that the order is confirmed and then pushed to the remote server, and the API limits it to 70 times per minute. It thinks of the following solutions: 1. Each click will request an API, wait for the result to return and verify the result. Probl...
suppose I added the lazyload function and first showed five figures . blog 1 blog 2 blog 3 blog 4 blog 5 when you slide down, there are another five pieces of data, which is no problem. blog 1 blog 2 blog 3 blog 4 blog 5 lazyload blog 6 lazyload blo...
$key = md5 ($str); now, with this $key, you can get $str, right? ...
went to the interview and asked me this question. How to answer this question? don t you always change bug and redeploy with bug? The interviewer seems very dissatisfied. ...
for example, the constructor has a test () method, and there is also a test (), on the prototype. Is there any difference between the two methods? ...
1, need to keep the current page url unchanged; 2, pictures, html and other format files are not opened in the browser but prompted to save to the local hard disk; 3, compatible with the possibility of mobile and matters needing attention. I hope yo...
already knows that md5 is irreversible. there is a simple way to generate token $token = md5 ($username.$password.$regtime); 1. If you can t reverse it, why is token only valid for 24 hours? generated validation link register active.php?verify= ...
the material I see is here https: gaoga. where there is doubt if($row){ if($nowtime>$row[ token_exptime ]){ 24hour $msg = . ; }else{ mysql_query("update t_user set status=1 where id="....
how do users recover lost passwords? Note that it is not reset. all the passwords were saved as md5 at the beginning, but they can still be found? $password = md5 (trim ($_ POST [ "password "])); the database is full of md5 values, so you can t g...
as shown in the and code in figure, the extension package is automatically killed when it is downloaded, and the waiting time is no more than 10 seconds. [root@VM_49_167_centos shop]-sharp composer require mews captcha Do not run Composer as root su...
adding more than one hour of scheduled tasks to onWorkerStart in GatewayWorker businessworker will cause register verification errors to report pid:1 Register auth timeout ( See http: Error4 for detail error, find the r...
Click on the friend in the picture to help you cut the knife and share it with your friend. No matter whether you have selected a friend or not, jump to the corresponding details page onShareAppMessage: function (res) {. if (res.from == menu ) { r...
There are two representations of Gauss-Seidel iterative method in solving equations, one is in the form of linear equations, and the other is in the form of matrix, which is in the form of . x_{0} = x_{k+1} = D^{-1}(b-Ux_k-Lx_{k+1}) 1 I finally ...
follow the online tutorials to configure, the server also opens port 21, and the server has ftp software Pure-Ftpd (not configured) ...
when I call chatterbot and have a conversation with a trained bot, there is always a "No value for search_text was available on the provided input " sentence between the conversations, just like the one in the picture: : "No value for search_text w...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>< title> <style type="text css"> .a{ width: 80%; border: 1px solid red; margin: 100px auto; text-align: cent...