Vue, Webpack, data-driven, front-end rendering, is very good. but now the problem is, the cost of SSR server rendering is very high, what if you don t have any SEO to do a news station? is there a tool for component development based on page Page?...
there are many shortcuts under the folder after installing with cnpm. What should I do when I use nodejs to read the files in the directory? how can I tell if it is a shortcut? how do I get the true direction of the shortcut? ...
as shown in the title: because the front and rear ends are separated from each other, jwt is used as a token to save user information. token is easy to be attacked by XSS when placed in localstorage, so I thought of using httpOnly s cookie to save tok...
call for help I m really in a hurry right now. I m going to make a copy of RSS, for An and B (one of which is a facebook instant article). but I don t know anything about RSS! what I thought of create two number tables, and when you add a...
the login mechanism I designed is cookie ( "uid ", the user s uid); ), and then check whether cookie ( "uid ") exists . I would like to ask why some customers open the website automatically login status, automatically log in to one person s account ...
$redis->flushAll(); set 1. $redis->zAdd( stud ,11, zhangsan ,22, zhangsan1 ,33, zhangsan3 ); $redis->zAdd( stud ,66, zhangsan2 ,55, zhangsan6 ,44, zhangsan5 ); 2. ...
it s wrong for me to use varchar to read it out, so what should I use? problem description the varvhar that saves $connection- > id to mysql is a simple number that can no longer be used. the environmental background of the problems and what meth...
topic description workerman writes a demo, listens to the TCP port, and realizes the real-time chat between IP an and IP b sources of topics and their own ideas tasks given by the boss related codes Please paste the code text below (do not...
this input box is automatically generated ask urgently! ...
in the process of docking, the other party is required to say: parameter format: FORM-DATA I try the request with some CURL and post classes, but they all match. I don t know how to send parameters in this format. is there any relevant encapsulatio...
using the Yii2.0 framework, the server executes the following command directly to suspend the daemon normally. At that time, it often hangs up automatically after running for a few days nohup phpstudy www llq yii queue start & now a script has ...
use simplexml_load_string to parse this XML error. $data = <<<XML <ROOT xmlns:xsi="http: 2001 XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http: 2001 XMLSchema" xmlns="JobSendedDescription"> &l...
<?php class test{ public function __construct(){ var_dump( start test ); } public function __destruct() { var_dump( end test ); } } class t { static $test=null; public static function tt(){ se...
digest authentication is required when calling api. The code and error message are as follows: $curl=curl_init (); curl_setopt ($curl,CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt ($curl,CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH,CURLAUTH_DIGEST); curl_setopt ($curl,CURLOPT_USERPWD,$userna...
$data source code is as follows: $data = [ [ id => 2 , one_day => 2018-09-30 , teacher_id => 1 , teacher_name => , student_id => 8 ...
Isn t 555 supposed to be the module name? and I have commented out the binding module line define( BIND_MODULE , Home ); ...
1. I made a global scope for the article model to soft delete data public static function boot() { parent::boot(); static::addGlobalScope( myPost ,function(Builder $builder){ $builder->where( mark_status , <> ,-1); }...
as mentioned above, you can see the following line in the code: return $teacher_name ?: ---- ; What is the name of this operator, please? What does it mean? ...
using the integrated environment, every time the project runs for about three days, the software does not respond, it does not open, the php-cgi all collapses, and it has to be restarted. The number of cgi processes is certainly enough. The reason has no...
In the thinkphp url parameter, nginx treats the controller name as the module name. how to solve this? isn t eee the module name ...
function isNumber(num){ if( !isNaN(num.value) && (num.value != "")){ return true; } else { return false; } is...
wx.previewImage () API realizes the preview of the picture, so how can you slide left and right to switch the preview of the picture ...
1. The installation jekyll, port can be accessed, but there is still a problem. 2. GitHub Metadata: No GitHub API authentication could be found. appears at the command prompt Some fields mabe missing or have incorrect data. 3. Try to add JEKYLL_GITH...
how does the vue element ui table component modify the row height? Setting css in style does not work ...
I wrote a part here, that is to say, first convert the original df into a dictionary, and then create a new dictionary and then operate on these two dictionaries, but there seems to be a problem with the result of a large amount of data . ...