can someone explain what this operation is all about? It s okay to refresh the browser again!? ...
as mentioned, how does PHP convert time () * 1000 to a string in Y-m-d H:i:s format ...
there is a form that submits more than 1000 pieces of data <input type="checkbox" name="order_ids[]" value="1" > <input type="checkbox" name="order_ids[]" value="2" > <input typ...
has a line of js code, and now I want to change it to php. But I don t know how to operate related codes var t = HAtE*sTG6XlgrI0k2y5FheTOoKzwf6RQdPMpHLzUWIY_ ; var _csrfCode; if (t) { for (var e = 5381, i = 0, o = t.length; i ...
I just wanted to use composer to install the PHPExcel class library in my thinkphp5.1 project. Execute the command under the project directory: composer require phpoffice phpexcel after execution, the terminal command line did not respond, and remai...
to connect the hardware equipment of the Internet of things, the GatewayWorker, hardware I use to connect with the server through the tcp protocol to connect OK, through the port can successfully transmit data; the web client and the server can be conne...
1. Recently learn yaf to see the manual said default routing, after a series of installation, enter the URL to show Hello World! I am Stranger this is normal! 2. But I create a new public function testAction method in the Index.php file under c...
when using the RSA library jsencrypt.js as signature, the PHP server encrypts the information using the server s private key and returns the encrypted ciphertext to the client. The client uses the jsencrypt.js library to decrypt, uses the server s p...
reason A completely unknown problem occurred due to the first call to RSS,. currently there is a blog in the web site, but it is not a WP or other third-party suite, but a blog written by yourself, which can post, view a list of all articles, and re...
three material packages should be sent at regular intervals ...
introduce the css file into the html file in the simplest mvc frame, enter the ". " in the href value of localhost:8080 content index, in the browser address bar, and the browser parses to GET http: localhost:8080 content layui css layui.css 404 (No...
problem description Call to undefined method appcommonvalidateKlassCourse::validate () related codes Controller ...
<?php function recursion(){ static $count = 0; $countPP; echo $count." "; if($count < 10){ recursion(); } echo $count." "; $count--; } recursion(); ?> Why is the running result ? 1 ...
the project framework is tp3.2 the environment is lnmp above result of access another: swoole, can not be found in phpinfo, only ask for help in php-m. What is the situation? < hr > ...
first composer require guzzlehttp guzzle use GuzzleHttp Client; function curl_get($url) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT...
upload file API, cross-domain, and then reverse through Nginx. The configuration is as follows: location aaa { proxy_pass http: aaa api device upload; } Test: proxy_pass http:; can see the Bing page, so the conf...
seems to become the ID of this content item is this good for SEO? take MySQL as an example, what considerations do you need to design the post-translation title field? ...
the puzzling point is what supports the security of eloquent. For example, we can use preprocessing commands to insert some information into the database, but I don t find preprocessing statement commands in eloquent ....
when using php s lightweight slim framework, I found two introduction of Request and Response: 1. Slim Http Request; 2. Psr Http Message ServerRequestInterface I wonder if there is a difference between the two? if mixed, will it caus...
curl has made the following settings (this is the solution found, but it doesn t work for me): curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYSTATU...