1. The string str= "zz=aaa,bb=bbb,cc=ccc;User=ZZZ&zz=aaa1&bb=bbb1&cc=ccc1 " 2. To implement, for example, I pass in the parameter zz, and find the value of aaa1 in the zz=aaa1 after User=ZZZ. How to write the corresponding rule? ...
? & ab&cd&ef matching rules [&] {0jue 1} ab and [&] {0jue 1} cd replacement characters are empty but the results of the two machines are different: one is? & ef, and the other is normal? & ef is it because {0jimi 1} to match? ...
premise: when watching the volatile section of "the Art of Java concurrent programming ", there is a sentence: StoreStore Barrier ensures that all normal writes preceding it are visible to any processor before volatile is written. scenario: publi...
want to get php resources locally, so install wampServer, and create your own project under the www file index.htmlindex.htmlajaxdata1.php php; network but it cannot be obtained in data in ajax, and fail how can I get the data in php correctly...
problem description sometimes it takes 2s to upload the same file (32kb), but sometimes it takes 11s. The upload speed is too unstable and too slow. the upload process is that the front end uploads the file to the interface of the back-end php (us...
for example, I want to query a table in the backend. In the test, table, there is an id increment, a unique field A, and one is the insertion time insert_time, and one is the type. If I want to query, it is based on which unique field (SELECT FROM test...
in jQuery ajax, why does the this under the data attribute point to my vue instance? As follows: vue data(){ return{ name: test , age:18, } } ajax methods:{ getData(){ $.ajax({ url: test.php , type: post , ...