this is the only thing I can think of right now ^[134567890][124567890]{0,4}$ this first bit is 2 or the other bit is 3 does not match, is there any good way bilibili s on-screen rules written by himself, so he can only use one sentence as a rule...
has the following string: ab Ac126 Hello 123-sharp 121a No bc13ab Hello a1b35-sharp a791 Ah 326bop Hello cagf1-sharp 38a good 1 needs to match so that does not contain the string "Hello. *?-sharp " (the character between "Hello " and "- sha...
return str.replace( s| xA0 g, "");...
(? < = |) (w) +.) + w +) (: (d +)) how to understand this rule ... imgs PPPPPPPP.png requires an address that regularly matches the picture. The path needs to contain imgs, and end with .png ...
can be an integer greater than or equal to 0 or a decimal that is greater than or equal to 0 and retains up to two places 0 true 0.1 true 1 true 1.22 true 1.222 false 01 false 00 false ...
question background want to do a background management system, to do login interception regular requirements match admin * in addition to admin login, admin login , admin register, admin register , but similar to admin logina admin l...
I just can t deal with the underscore 0 or 1 and the length! ...
as the title string is as follows: http: t.d.b.123@123.c is all 1max 12max now find a match to the diagonal bar other than http: . could you tell me how to write such a rule ...
for example, the content is like this <div> <ul> <li>aaaaa< div> <li>bbbbb< li> <li>cccccc< li> <li>ddddd< li> < ul> < div> The actual content of will be much more ...
now the regular substitution I write will lose T1 data. want to know how to write this regular, { "field_626kU__c":["t1","t2"], "field_7oOpr__c":["t3"] } { "field_626kU__c&...
replace the string "< tr > < td > {$id} < td > < td > {$name} < td > < tr > " with {$id} with 10, and {$name} with Tony var str = "< tr > < td > {$id} < td > < td > {$name} < td > < tr > "; console.log(str.replace( { $id } ,10)); t...
Vue.component( lottery-tab , { template: ` <ul class="clearfix lottery-tab-list"> <li class="fl lottery-tab-item" v-for="(tab, index) in tabsArr" @click="switchTab(tab.en)" :class...
regular cabbage, please guide me! Whether the rules are exactly the same in different languages, such as php, js. The regular expressions I test on some website regular tools are not correct when written in PHP. in addition, find a regular way to wri...
Rule: character: character, character: character, character: character A "character: character " is a threshold allowed characters: Chinese, English,%, ,:, minus sign and English full stop and comma if you have only one English colon, you can not ...
see a url regular expression on the Internet: (https?|ftp|file): [-A-Za-z0-9+&@-sharp %?=~_|!:,.;]+[-A-Za-z0-9+&@-sharp %=~_|] The expression must start with http: , and if you don t need http:, you can also . How can I modify it? The fo...
can be matched to IP, or port alone, but when combined, nothing can be matched: <tr class=""> <td class="country"><img src="*" alt="Cn" >< td> <td>< td...
var pp = < span class= "a " > abcd abc < div class= "a " > abcd < div > ; how to replace the regular with var pp = < span class= "a > a bcd a bc < div class= " a "> a bcd < div > ; after thinking for a long time, I don t know how...
numbers and characters within 20 digits ...
^ (?: [1-9] d * | 0) (?: .d +)? $ I can enter 0 ...
the following is a style and how to implement it. The nickname is too long to show the ellipsis, as shown in figure 2. points to consider nickname is long, showing ellipsis the nickname is short, and the icon follows the nickname The icons ...
as mentioned in the question, input s value accepts only three tags selected by the user. If there are more, the input tag box is set to be non-editable. Simply try to set the disable attribute. There is not much time to study. How to set it? ...
Let s start with why you need to load the configuration dynamically: We are working on a multi-site service. For example, user username1 owns the site https: Now I have solved this step by username under the folder with the...
rt. Background-image is used in style. a { display: inline-block; background-image: url(".. assets img editor.png"); background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 30px; height: 30px; border: 5px solid -sharpfff; background-size: 380px 60px; overflow:...