use node as the middle layer request server, please spray gently. The project is as follows: node version 8.11.2, using koa2 version 2.5.1 because the node server is needed to request the backend api, the request module is used uses the koa2-cors...
var request = require( request ) var url = request({ url:url, method: POST , json:true, headers:{ content-type : application json , }, body:JSON.stringify({ body: { content:&quo...
the vue background project needs to log in. When adjusting the API, it is found that every fetch request is returned. However, due to not going through the then method, you can t get the response, and go straight to catch, because of cross-domain probl...
what s wrong with my node code? browsers can return data by posting the address in it. api ...
ask for help! WeChat Pay callback of django, there is a problem receiving asynchronous notifications. Code first: -sharp def weChatQRCodeNotify(request): order_result_xml = -sharp doc = x...
. Net server projects can centrally handle all inbound requests through events such as Application_BeginRequest in global.asax , which makes it easy to handle some common logic, such as authentication. Similarly, does the client have an orthodox chann...
page 404, found that the request url is wrong, but don t know where to change it? ...
1. When the browser accesses a Request URL, "error on line 1 at column 1: Document is empty " appears, but the Status Code is 200, and the response data of json is also returned. 2. I used python to climb the content of this site, and now requests can...
it is not wrong to add before each line ...
it is understood that axios s interceptor cannot intercept error messages in .catch, so that if there is a undefined in .then, it will not be intercepted, but can only get error messages in .catch, and if there are multiple axios in the page, each catch...
how to upload a picture in vue using a form form and preview it locally by clicking the upload button. Beg urgently! ...
I used IDEA s codeStyleChecker, but how can I get him to check all the class files at once? This is my setting. Thank you. ...
RT. I take the data out of the database, and the background console can read the data, but I can t take out the parameters directly. I don t know why. The data is in json format. [ { column: colFamily:content , timestamp: 152664103143, ...