there are three development environments for pc-side projects (dev test prod), and there are three jenkins projects. How to configure jenkins to pass parameters to js when building ...
after installing nvm, I found two lines of code in .bashrc: export NVM_DIR=" root .nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR" ] && . "$NVM_DIR" -sharp This loads nvm ask for advice, the second line of code . What does th...
how to insert a line of code in a specified code block with commands such as sed , awk , and so on. suppose you have a file hello.php , with the following contents: piplin package, modify the app Providers AppServiceProvider.php file, and add...
execute the following script in shell to download the file, prompting Download Fail:No connection adapters were found for http:.... but it is OK to take this command out and execute it alone. The script is as follows, which is a downloaded command...
the resources required by the add command in dockerfile wget https: openjdk jdk8u40 ri openjdk-8u40-b25-linux-x64-10_feb_2015.tar.gz wget https: apache tomcat tomcat-8 v8.5.32 bin apache-tomcat-8.5.32.ta...
Process process = null; process = RunTime.getRunTime (). Exec ( "cp aa.txt bb.txt "); process.waitFor (); I want to execute the shell command in java and find this function on the Internet, but I have tested it several times. Isn t the process.wait...
my project will use webp image format, because I am a novice, so I can not find on the Internet can directly use the java library to convert picture format bit webp, but google provides a conversion tool that can be run under linux, so I intend to use t...
. src a_folder a_chlid_folder a_chlid.js a.js I d like to know how to match all .js files under src in npm script such as eslint. src ** *.js can only match a.js, but not a_child.js . ...
call the interface of python in the shell script, but python API prints the relevant information to the screen through the logging of python. I don t know how to get these logging information in shell. Please advise. This is what the code says: impor...
defines a script B that receives two parameters, roughly logical: if [true]; then echo "12" exit 0; else echo "error" exit 0; fi exit 0; now call this script in another shell script A: RESULT=. B "para1"...
definition of shell: -sharp! bin bash res=`2222222222 | md5sum | cut -d -f1` echo "res: " ${res} write in a file and run the result as follows: . line 3: 2222222222: command not found res: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf842...
at present, I am implementing such a shell, that can successfully log in without secret, but cannot cd to data bak log, for advice -sharp! usr bin expect set timeout 30 spawn ssh -p [lindex $argv 0] [lindex $argv 1]@[lindex $argv 2] expect { ...
test.vbs file statement: wscript.echo "hello world " wscript.sleep 2000 double-click the vbs file to execute. If you don t add sleep, the black window just disappears, and if you add sleep, you only stay for 2 seconds. How do I make the black window...
the server runs the meshlabserver command, but an error is reported Google has some methods, but it hasn t been successful yet. is there any way to get this command running? I appreciate your advice! ...
excuse me, why? set a=wscript.createobject ("") set ie=wscript.createobject("internetexplorer.application") ie.visible=True wscript.sleep 2000 ie.navigate "http:" do wscript.sleep 200 loop u...
this is a custom route in my crontab to access myself. This route is circular data. If there is a change in status, push Wechat messages to users 1 * * * * * usr bin curl http: newshell : admin Index newshell ...
there are two steps to start OVS on ovs s official website, as follows: $ export PATH=$PATH: usr local share openvswitch scripts $ ovs-ctl start there is no problem with executing these two sentences separately in the terminal, but when I want to pu...
the "working environment " here refers to, for example, different namespaces or even interactive environments for different programs. for example, after 1:Docker creates a container a, you can enter the interactive environment of a to perform the confi...
< H2 > problem description < H2 > while writing a shell script, I need to git checkout to a branch after cd to a directory. however, in some cases, git checkout fails because the artificial modification file is not submitted. < H2 > excuse me < H2...
Why do you sometimes have two identical processes to start .sh files shell ...