as the following example: I want to replace packet in the line that contains bytes with bytes . **rx_bytes2_blob = BlobField( rx proto2 packets , item_type = int)**--->rx_bytes2_blob = BlobField( rx proto2 *bytes* , item_type = int) ...
because I need to use it under windows, I try to change shel to bat, and try to change it to http: TUTORI.. I keep reporting errors on this website, so let s ask for some advice. -sharp! usr bin env bash set -ex git pull version=$1...
start.bat content start b C: Users ll Desktop main.exe >. log.txt Files are written together in log.txt: I think the expected result is 2018-04-25 17:08:26 ...
android studio development tools how does the android camera display range consistent with the range specified by surfaceview? do not wait to display the video range beyond the range specified by surfaceview. Do not show that the video range is only di...
-sharp! bin bash file_name2=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S` mkdir home sql_bak user_bak $file_name2 chmod 7777 home sql_bak user_bak $file_name2 -sharp-sharp-sharp-sharp arr_string=(users payrecord_fruitcoin yamirecord vipexam_record stream_order io...
I just looked it up briefly, and I think I got it from some files under the proc directory. I ve seen that the most possible proc pid status file doesn t have shared memory, so I guess it was obtained through some kind of calculation, asking for a...
as shown in the figure, the ifconfig command can obtain the traffic information of multiple network cards, and now you need to separate the two. Excuse me, what shell command can separate the information of multiple network cards from ifconfig? I trie...
failed to build a front-end project using jenkins, which is a problem when viewing jenkins s console log. this shows that the react-router-dom module cannot be found. But I was fine when I was on the local build. Excuse me, what is the problem? ...
purpose: I want to invoke the shell script in python. The shell script has operations to receive input, and I want to enter these commands in python. description: here is the execution of a .sh shell script, the main function is to have the releva...
if so, what is the meaning of : in parallel-k echo: A B C > abc_file ? What s the effect? ...
Shell PHP the shell script is as follows cro_file=$dir_or_file" crontab_php" -sharp if [ -f $cro_file ] then -sharp cat cat $cro_file else echo "$cro_file not found." fi crontab_php conten...
< H1 > demand < H1 > needs to execute two commands in one sh file, as follows 1. tail -f log.txt 2. tail -f log2.txt is it feasible because both commands will cause terminal blocking? Or is there any other alternative solution. ...
as follows, ps-ef | grep tproxy | grep-v "grep " command will get tproxy process information, user00 1561 1 0 Apr03 ? 00:01:00 . tproxy --id= --port=6001 --conf-file=.. etc proxy.xml --sys-file=.. etc tproxy_sys.xml --env-type=...
-sharp! bin sh filesize=`ls -l nohup.out | awk { print $5 } ` echo "`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S` fileSize: $filesize bit" >> clearNohup.log if [ $filesize -gt 1073741824 ] then echo "`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S` $filesize bigger t...
now there is a binary program shown in the following figure. Generally, I enter. itool daily25.cfg directly into the interface, and then choose the corresponding input according to my own needs. Now I want to call the script with python instead. The in...
if [ "$PS1" ]; then if [ "$BASH" ] && [ "$BASH" != " bin sh" ]; then -sharp The file bash.bashrc already sets the default PS1. -sharp PS1= h: w $ if [ -f etc bash.bashrc ]; then ...
linux script command. The shell script itself has log output, but there is no log in the cron expression. What is the reason and how to solve it? shell script command: nohup tcps modules hadoop hadoop-2.6.2 bin hadoop jar tcps modules hadoop jar ca...
I do front-end development, the company develops under linux environment, I install centos6.9 through virtualbox in windows system, use virtualbox to set up a shared folder ( sudo mount-t vboxsf centosShare ~ centosShare ), and can modify fi...
bash-x ...
this looks disgusting! How to get back to that user name @ domain! ...