how do I declare a global variable in a project generated by vue-cli? My personal understanding is that main.js is an entry file and App.vue is a root-level component. If a variable is declared here, webpack will be packaged recursively. But why can t t...
$router.push-sharp (hash :router.js history ...
For the webpack+vue project, I want to use the "runtime version " of vue, but I also want to use the template feature. The official website says that using vue-loader is fine. Webpack I configured vue-loader, to use the "runtime " version, which will ...
weback and vue, develop multiple pc pages using vue-loader refer to Blue Fox s multi-page framework https: bluefox168. the attempt can be built, and there is no problem with the public js. but the public css is not separated, and all ...
vue cancel question vue cancel question ...
< html > < head > < title > test < title > < script src= " https: npm .;>< script> < H1 > div {< H1 > width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: red; } .v-enter { width: 0 } .v-enter-to { width: 100px } .v-enter-...
cannot read item.children; in < second-stage > but can read it in {{item.children}}. What is the reason for this? Thank you, boss ...
follow the example of Vue.js practical engineering article this video to create a webpack project step by step. The code is submitted here: https: zhangchunl.. Css can be displayed normally in the video tutorial. But I can t display the c...
The login page uses a separate style, so I want to add scoped to the login page to act on the current page, but the effect of html is gone, and small-level styles can be @media screen and (min-width: 1600px) { html { font-size: 100px; } } : ....
there is a problem of not recognizing the attribute vue for beginners of vue and webpack,. I have added {test: .vue$ ,use: vue-loader } to rules and also installed vueloader and vue-template-compiler with a warning and an error, as shown in the foll...
modify: yesterday I found that it is useless to configure css option in vue-loader, and it is useless to further configure js:babel,eslint after cannot extract css . My definition of useless is that it cannot be run in ie11 I have already configured ...
when I use functional rendering, I find that the element I render does not have data-v-xxx, but everything else, and then my style cannot affect the element I rendered manually. The vue component generates an additional data-v-xxx, when generating the e...
In the project, you need a set of stylesheets that cover some common styles. What I hope to achieve is: write a single style.less to generate style.css, in real time style.less .btn{ ... } reference in the html tag <a class="btn"&...
1. Vue-stylus-loader, has been installed but still reported an error. 2 what is the reason, thank you! ...
Software process models include waterfall model, incremental model, evolution model (prototype model, spiral model), fountain model, construction-based development model and formal method model. which software process model is used in our project deve...
Note: innerHtml requires innerHTML . Html should be all capitalized . the following is the original question the following code, document.getElementsByTagName in countDown () is useless, but I can see it again when I print with console, why ...
see the official website to explain that the function is to add a suffix to the directory where the package is installed to keep the output separate from the default version I am testing that the function is go build-installsuffix cgo and does not a...
1 A small problem I encountered when I was doing the rotation exercise. My idea was to put an element of copy on the last side, then rotate to the last element, and then pull the whole element back to its original position. When I set css, I found that ...
The configuration in package.json is as follows "scripts": { "dev": "nuxt", "build": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production nuxt build && nuxt start", "start": "nuxt start&quo...