I expect to use webpack + AMD to handle angularjs1.3, hoping to make the code structure feel better (I actually want to try it). Now I ve created a loginModule, but can t find the module I defined in controller.js. The code is as follows: index.js r...
, npm run build package error after upgrading from vue webpack to webpack4 hand disability, upgrade webpack to 4, development environment adjusted, normal operation, production environment, packaging problems, Baidu, google did not find a solution. r...
at first, I configured postcss in webpack , which works, but if a background image is introduced in scss , such an error will be reported when packing. So I added publicPath to the postcss configuration, and found that it did not report an error...
< H2 > first of all, it is tested that there is no problem with extracting the common module of css. The configuration is as follows: < H2 > optimization: { splitChunks: { cacheGroups: { 2Css Js ...
how does webpack4 package multiple independent css for example, you need to generate 2 css all.css css a.css both css are generated by packaging and merging of several third-party css. if you package a css, you can reference a third-party css, one...
problem description ` in the process of server rendering, cross-domain is always unsuccessful, and the address of each request for data will go to ` under localhost:3000. the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried ...
directory structure webpack.config.js index.js dist webpack,dist < hr > < hr > < H2 > question: < H2 > 1. After optimization.cacheGroups is added, chunkFilename in the mini-css-extract-plugin configuration replaces filename,. Does ca...
Front-end rookie asks for help: it seems feasible to introduce jquery, globally into the vue project and find a document. To use expose-loader, https: www.cnblogs.com qiqi1., but the configuration is not quite the same as vue.config.js. also found t...
I use webpack4 and then the config folder in the project contains dev.config.json and prod.config.json . I want to control which configuration file is introduced through environment variables at the front end. Here s what I m doing right now, as fo...
WARNING in chunk vendors [mini-css-extract-plugin] Conflicting order between: * css . node_modules css-loader!. node_modules postcss-loader src!. node_modules antd lib select style index.css * css . node_modules css-loader!. node_modules postcss-loader...
the project directory is as follows: (the project is a web version packaged by construct 3) then I want to package it into an index.html and a bundle.js with webpack. requires that all pictures fonts be packaged in base64 format. how to config...
echarts3.8 import echarts from echarts lib echarts ; import echarts lib chart bar ; import echarts lib component tooltip ; externals:{ echarts : echarts , echarts !!! moment: moment moment } <script src = cdn > ...
< H2 > question: < H2 > I configured both filename and chunkFilename, entry: { index: . src index.js , home: . src home.js }, output: { filename: [name].[chunkhash:8].js , chunkFilename: [name].bundle.js , path: r...
when writing Webpack applications, you want to delete comments on compiled files but do not want to compress JS files. Previously, delete and do not compress JS files using Uglifyjs. in Webpack4, mode is none or development seems to skip minimizer an...
use HtmlWebpackPlugin const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require( html-webpack-plugin ); module.exports = { plugins: [new HtmlWebpackPlugin()] }; Terminal gets a warning Entrypoint undefined = index.html "webpack": "^4.12.0"...
<head> <style> body { background: url(""); } < style> < head> or <div style="background: url( );">< div> how webpack handles inline or inline style background map paths ...
Front-end rookie: just learning webpack, is not very clear about his packaging process, for example, my configuration file is not configured with entry, who will he go to as the entrance? Why does the name of css,js change to such a form as chunk-12f4.51...
problem description webpack configuration the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried if you delete resolve: {.}, you will not get an error. is it possible that these two methods cannot be used together? Or i...
databases depends on jquery, in vue project, so it needs to be introduced. In the past, it was introduced directly through CDN, but now the boss asked npm to introduce, npm install jQuery. Direct import will report an error after checking and saying tha...