webpack.common.js let lessPackage = {}; if ( NODE_ENV === develop ) { lessPackage = { test: .less , use:[ style-loader , css-loader , less-loader ] }; } else if ( NODE...
The project is a multi-entry application, referring to one and two methods in activity.js in test.js and test1.js, respectively. But in the last two js, it is found that both methods refer to . single entry is not a problem related codes activity...
problem description recently attempted to update project scaffolding from vue-cli2 webpack2 to vue cli 3 webpack4 vue-cli-service serve indexlogin, window.location.href = login loginindex.htmlindex.js url localhost:3007 login.htmlurllocalhos...
webpack entry file import a css file, as shown in the following figure, but we all specify that there are only styles in the css file and there is no exports,. Won t there be an error if you can import the css file? Did css-loader convert it into a mod...
configure webpack chainWebpack: config => { const svgRule = config.module.rule( svg ); svgRule.uses.clear(); config.module .rule( svg ) .set( exclude , [resolve( src assets icons )]) .use( file-load...
recently, in learning webpack4, I found a lot of differences from the previous version, the most significant is the handling of css, in version 4.8 of webpack can also run css compression, the current version does not support, but also drunk, I now do n...
for the following code, after testing, you can observe: uses the @ root test test.js of the string, and the module can load on demand, loading the routing-related file only when the test test route is triggered. uses the variable @ root $ {rou...
I have been studying webpack4, recently. To be honest, I am being tortured crazy and myself, because I like to study problems deeply, and it also brings me a lot of pain. For details, you can see my home page, recent questions (some questions that you m...
problem description my application is a multi-page application. The entry is src a index.js src b index.js . a pages are packaged into a.js b pages and packaged into b.js , where entrances an and b have common codes x.js a, common codes x-a.js b...
use webpack4 to build a vue project. CSS Modules, is configured in the configuration file, but it doesn t work and doesn t report an error! the following is the code for the module option in the configuration file module: { rules: [ { ...
recently upgraded the project s build tool from webpack2 to webpack4. The speed of building is faster, and the target files generated are much smaller. but there is an annoying problem, that is, after modifying any code, the browser will refresh the ...
Link: https: pan.baidu.com s 1W0YF. password: us4h Code is placed on the cloud disk. Prompt for launching the project: , webpack.config.js package.json ; ...
webpack.config.js module.exports = { entry: { index: . index.js }, output: { filename: [name].js } }; as shown above, the entry file is index.js , and there are main.css , logo.png and other files in the sam...
I use the plug-in mini-css-extract-plugin to extract less files and css as separate files, which were introduced during development, but after packaging, they will not generate css files, all in accordance with the online configuration, can anyone help ...
what else do you need to configure besides vue-loader, to package vue files with webpack 4 without using vue-cli? the .vue file is still not recognized by using the webpack configuration under the webpack-simple template in vue-cli. What is the problem...
When debugging dev under webpack4, form-item data check error: asyncValidator2.default is not a constructor. after debugging, it is found that asyncValidator2.default.default is the required constructor. read the source code: may be a problem with...
webpack.base.conf.js use strict ; const path = require( path ); const config = require( .. config ); ** * * @method resolve * @param {String} dir * @return {String} * function resolve(dir) { return path.join(__dirname,...
Why can my react not be packaged and run on IE, and then report that Unhandled promise rejectionTypeError: cannot get the value of the attribute "call ": the object is null or undefined . No matter what mode I switch, I report this error. Ask God to...
recently, there is a problem with the upgrade of webpack from 2 to 4 in the project. Finally, all the related dependencies have been updated to confirm that they can adapt to version 4.x, but there is an exception when packing. I have been watching it f...
how can Angular6 be implemented in conjunction with rxjs when asynchronously requesting background data? watched the video tutorial of Angular4, which is basically the same, but here (asynchronous request for background data) is not consistent in usag...
1. I use ant-design s menu navigation, plus react-router 4, everything else is normal, but when the page is refreshed, the routing address remains before refresh, while menu is not I originally wanted to set defaultkey, for menu and Synchronize, but...
the code in App.vue is as follows onLaunch (options) { console.log(options.scene) if (wx.canIUse( getUpdateManager )) { const updateManager = wx.getUpdateManager() updateManager.onCheckForUpdate(function (res) { if (res.hasUpd...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>< title> <script> window.onload = function(){ var mybox = document.getElementsByTagName("...
Page refresh will initialize the data in data. How to solve this problem? I tried to execute this.activeIndex = this.$route.name in the mounted function, but router was loaded on demand and could not get $route I tried to monitor the route again, but...