I configured tinyproxy, on one server, but I want it to forward all its requests to the tinyproxy proxy on another server, that is, the tinyproxy in the middle is just a springboard. I did not find the corresponding configuration item in the tinyproxy do...
how to dynamically replace the title bar of different activity? The elements on the title bar are different on different activity. Thank you ...
A normal page rendering, which is not engineered, is directly introduced into vue, an ordinary page rendering. I have tried to obtain data in created and mounted. Because I used echarts, I tried to initialize echarts, in mounted, but I could not find dom...
websocket: connection error , The operation couldn t be completed. Connection refused the development environment is as follows: react-native-cli: 2.0.1 react-native: 0.55.1 ask for rescue? ...
setting hover-class for navigator and button does not work, but setting for view does. My navigator and button both have background colors. Does that have anything to do with this? ...
let arrs=[102,233,45,350,130,220,195,240] I want arrs to split into two groups, but I want the sum of the two groups to be as close as possible. The smaller the difference, the better. My own idea is to re-sort, from small to large, and then judge the s...