on the same server ( Linux ), there is a http service built by PHP and a WS ( websocket ) service based on Workerman . How can the http service process actively send messages to this WS service process? PS: PHP version 5.5.37 workerman...
the CCS swarm of Aliyun is used for service discovery. A single host with 4 cores of 16GB memory use alpine to write a php runtime environment for apache. The (dockerfile), program is based on the laravel framework . I wonder if the performance of fl...
it seems that apache will do the same. nginxserver linux personal website, there is no problem with index page refresh, but entering other page refresh will be gg. http: leisuremoment.com ...
guys, I d like to ask String s = new String (content.getBytes ( "GBK ")); and String s = URLEncoder.encode (content, "GBK "); what s the difference between the two? Why is the receiver still garbled after the first transcoding is used as a http r...
there is a parameter An in the request parameters. Now you need to configure the Apache reverse proxy. If you want to send B, you will go to one address, otherwise you will go to another address. How can you configure it? ...
after win10, installs xampp, the error log in httpd.conf is configured by default, but there is no error.log file generated in the error folder, even when the port of Apache is occupied and cannot be started, there is no log generation in Apache. : ...
when building the XSS platform, when registering a user, it appears after clicking the submit button. If registration fails, please contact the administrator. excuse me, what s going on? URL of the reference step: Link description ...
when installing memcache, on 64-bit window7 several times, this is the case where memcache_dll, does not appear at all in the php extension, which is why. Ask the gods for help. ...
there was a zz_index.asp page in the previous project, but now we have made a whole website with apache+php, but the URL of zz_index.asp has printed a lot of QR codes and cannot be modified, so I want to use the Rewrite function of apache: . Jump zz_...
there was a zz_index.asp page in the previous project, but now we have made a whole website with apache+php, but the URL of zz_index.asp has printed a lot of QR codes and cannot be modified, so I want to use the Rewrite function of apache: . Jump zz_...
use thinkphp to develop interfaces, how to deploy to servers in lamp environment, and where should the front-end code be deployed? I just got in touch with you. I hope God will give me some advice. ...
I am installing apache in linode. He has given me a domain name 123.456.123.123 to contact my var www html question and can also display normally, but I have opened another xxx.ccc.com license 123.456.123.123 and xxx.ccc.com (also open https). Both...
how should I proxy the existing URL with the server nginx by setting .htaccess? for example, apache port 80, nginx port 8080 I hope xxx can represent xxx <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase Rewrite...
the front-end page jquery sends data to the background, and the background returns the data. The console reports 500. You can actually see that some data has been returned in response. Front end code: : : URL : solve. ...
after httpd.conf sets StartServers, the apache, deletion statement cannot be started and the apache service can be started normally. A service-specific error occurred: 1. Type NET HELPMSG 3547 for more help. ...
mac encountered the following error in configuring virtual host: < H2 > Forbidden < H2 > You don t have permission to access on this server. Server unable to read htaccess file, denying access to be safe < hr > apache version 2.4.* Baidu has ...
when learning the knowledge of mysql penetration, the attempt to read the file on disk D with sql statement failed as follows: root@host after testing, the value of secure-file-priv is not valid even if it is empty. mysql,apache is running normal...
the php7.2.10+apache2.4, used by the newly installed phpstudy2018, in the home computer will report 500 when executing all php files error log: [Thu May 05 17:15:20.696222 2016] [core:error] [pid 21132:tid 1724] [client] End of scr...
how the front-end and front-end separate projects are deployed to the server. The front end uses the vue, back-end to use the thinkphp, server. The LAMP. is built in the virtual machine give me some advice. ...
is like this because the website needs to do some relatively simple but not so simple 301redirects now the confusion is as follows for example www.baidu.com zt 1.html there is a built-in variable $request_uri that can directly get zt 1.html but I w...
var pow2 = make_pow (2); indicates that parameter n is passed in, but why is it that parameter n is not assigned when pow2 is printed? ...
when I was packing with webpack, I first reported an error ERROR in build.js from UglifyJs Unexpected token: punc ((). node_modules element-ui packages col src col.js:24,0 according to the search result was es6 grammar problem and then I chang...
I set a cookie, without setting the expires property, and the expires in the browser is displayed as 1969-12-31T23:59:59.000Z. According to reason, if the browser is closed and then opened, the cookie is gone, but it still exists. Solve? ...
at present, I have written the login operation in app.js. After obtaining Wechat s code, I obtain the authentication access-token from my own server. the code is as follows app.js onLaunch: function () { wx.login({ success: ...
how does WeChat Mini Programs call Page () to execute twice in a row ...