http: how... I have changed the path of php to the version of XAMPP I also install composer on this machine through homebrew I just don t understand his next step: curl -s http: installer | php and composer c...
because it is the company s mac notebook, I am not familiar with the command. Also do not have too much back-end experience, these do not know how to configure. It is said on the Internet Open the httpd.conf file in Applications XAMPP xamppfiles et...
the certificate was downloaded from Aliyun. was the .com domain name when it was successful before .top lampp ...
Environment iMac macos 10.12 the connected mysql is external, not the mysql of XAMPP there is no problem with the: linode, JP speed of the server reason I found that I am very slow to run localhost on this iMac. On average, it may take at leas...
I use the laravel framework, the apach environment built by xampp, header ( content-type:application:json;charset=utf8 ); header( Access-Control-Allow-Origin:* ); header( Access-Control-Allow-Methods:POST ); header( Access-Control-A...
check that I found an error with http: localhost error: Host is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server all of a sudden, I don t know why! What is the problem with ? I also restarted mysql with xampp, just the same! I found a problem with ...
now I have a problem if there are two mac all have xampp installed but I all set up a web site in A mac so I will in A MAC but I also want to edit the same web site in B MAC how to make efficient Synchronize? I think it can be moved to google dri...
check it out. I don t seem to have found it on the website. how to upgrade the new version of XAMPP that has been installed in macos? is there anything related to teaching or experienced gods to share? I hope to be able to upgrade very easily ...
want to check I have a problem with MYSQL now I have installed XAMPP so my localhost already has a phpmyadmin , but I also have mysql and phpmyadmin installed on my other host (linode), so this is another MYSQL want to check if I want localhost to ...
after win10, installs xampp, the error log in httpd.conf is configured by default, but there is no error.log file generated in the error folder, even when the port of Apache is occupied and cannot be started, there is no log generation in Apache. : ...
defines an empty array multiclewcontent, in data to traverse the data after getting it, and the length of the data is the length of the multiclewcontent. this.multiclewcontent[i] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.arr)); finally get the following array ...
IP: after the vmware virtual machine is installed on this machine found that the virtual machine can only be accessed through IP how to open multiple virtual domain names in the virtual machine and then access this domain name through...
is there a big god to solve my next problem? the front and rear ends are separated from each other, and if you log in to the front end, you want to use cas to do the integration (login will jump to another page directly). The problem now is that the gene...
I think there are two parameter types for jni data to send to JAVA, through parameters, instead of returning a value. I want to know what to do? JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_com_tzym_jni_Analyze_funGetPulse (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring charPa...
embedding h5 pages into app,h5 has a comment function. When you type, the soft keyboard wakes up, and the input box is blocked by the soft keyboard. What s going on? Not in Wechat. ...