<h4>1< h4> text text text <h4>2< h4> text text text <span>asdf< span> <h4>3< h4> 4 1 1 2 2 text description 4 text 1 2 HTML code as above, how do I get the content between two ? For exam...
tags, how do you extract the content you want?
main problem: the front-end code of the web page is very messy, all are tags, python crawler extraction content is very uncomfortable, BeautifulSoup4 is very difficult to locate, ask for your guidance, how to do in such a situation? URL: http: eshu....
question: the content of the original text is "8080 ", but after crawling, different numbers are displayed each time. 1. Page content II. Program import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup User_Agent = Mozilla 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64...
question: just started to practice the python crawler, crawling the web page with Beautifulsoup, the web page contains br tags, the crawling result is None. tried whether to replace br, with the string s replace function or return None. tried replaci...
ask the gods, how can I climb out of the last 2.1610 in the gray part of the html of this web page? and I have a series of html pages that are highly similar to this page. I want to climb out of this string of numbers in the same position. How shoul...
I am working on a crawler to crawl the data related to Douban s ten movies. Now I have crawled out the data the code is as follows: : csvdataCSVXLS: can the gods tell me how to operate? thank you very much! ...
original page html code: <html xmlns="http: www.w3.org 1999 xhtml"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" > <meta content="pdf2htmlEX" name="generator" > <meta content="IE=edge...
as in the title, write a simple function test to generate a soup object from the URL using Python requests and BeautifulSoup, (see the example below). If you call this function directly in the main thread, everything will be fine, but if you call this f...
as shown in the figure above, how to achieve the concave effect between the hot game and the home page ? Ask the god for advice! ...
MAC OS crontab does not have permission to execute git submission error report The .sh file can be submitted directly on the command line. But execute the error after configuring the crontab automation script: git@gitee.com: Permission denied (public...
Today we need an extended predi, and then 1. When you get down the local update, there is a problem: a controller is repeated, and then leave it alone. Delete the duplicate, 2. Then up vendor s predis directory online through svn; 3. But one problem...
Thank you. is an ordinary website, server, web page and so on. ...
how to get the value inside without knowing the json string key? for example, something like the following: let result= { "err": 0, "message": "", "data": { "fieldCount": 0, ...