for example, the address is this http: g?b=qq&nk=... I want to use the drawImage () method to draw this picture, how to achieve it? Js, can you convert this into base64? Or can it be converted to a format like 1.jpg with a suffix? ...
in recent months, the number of connections from half an hour to one hour per day has been particularly high, resulting in CPU100%. This happens every few weeks in the middle of . has become the norm in recent days. Cpu is basically between 60% and 90%...
wrote a component that wants to upload to npm , but this component references some third-party libraries and doesn t want to package it into the component I hope to introduce these third-party libraries at the same time in the use of this component ...
problem description some of our mobile projects are based on vue-cli and react, but we feel that this problem has nothing to do with the framework, because what we have in common is that vendor.js app.js and other asynchronous chunk.js are referenced ...
before, the user s Mini Program had a slow delay in access to noon and evening, and then the bandwidth upgrade was still slow, because each details page needs to load several pictures, which should take up the bandwidth. Now I plan to use Aliyun cdn. ....
for example, the load size of ag-grid.js on cdn is about 300KB, and the address is as follows: https: ag-grid-com.. download the same file on github and import it to the local server with the size of 2.3MB I don t quite understand the re...
I installed directadmin, on a server and wanted to use cloudflare CDN to hide the real ip, so I used nginx inversion to communicate with the directadmin server (I have replaced directadmin s apache with nginx), nginx configuration as follows server { ...
the recently used cdn is always wrong. First, the bootcss is hung up directly. After switching to unpkg, it is found that you need to hang up vpn at some time before you can access it. Can you introduce two sets of cdn, one of which fails and then the o...
The project needs to be optimized for performance, and some local js files referenced need to be replaced with those that use cdn. But I have not used cdn, so which public cdn websites are easy to use and have high stability? thank you ...
The A record is the IP address record used to specify the host name (or domain name). Users can point the web server under this domain name to their web server . At the same time, you can also set the secondary domain name of your domain name. I don ...
advantages (1) Cache resources (2) hosting static resources to CDN can make access to resources accelerate (3) Source websites reduce load , so they are less likely to be attacked by DDOS . principle CDN server = caching + DNS load balancer...
I just know the definition and function of cdn recently, but I still don t know what special function it has. It is said on the Internet that it can solve the problem of cross-operator and cross-region access, and the access delay is greatly reduced. M...
has any Daniel solved the problem of display compatibility of http image resources in https websites in various mobile browsers? Specifically, some Android models, such as Huawei, vivo s native webview can not display http image resources on https sites...
is currently an e-commerce website project, there is a problem with the search results page jumping back to the previous page. In the cdn accelerator used on websites, cookie will report an error when the search page with no results jumps back to the pr...,,xxx@xxxxx,xxx@xxxx,..... there will be multiple mailboxes. I only need to check the @ symbol and the English comma at the end of the mailbox. I don t check anything else. How do I write this rule ? ...
the following code, I want to print out the final result ans array, it is very difficult to print, because the print operation is Synchronize, always print is empty, for asynchronous flow control, how to modify the form of Promise or Async Await? const...
for example, an array of objects: let people = [{id: 1, name: Bob }, {id: 2, name: Alice }, {id: 3, name: Lilei }] how can I easily get the {id: 1, name: Bob } object through a known id=1 ? except for methods that traverse directly. ...
guys, I just got to know docker. I have a question . < H2 > Environment: host centos7 < H2 > I now pull the image docker pull 1and1internet ubuntu-16-nginx-php-phpmyadmin-mariadb-10 which means that eventually the container I m running is nginx-...
problem description in the page component in the iview document, there is a description: Total shows how many pieces of data total. Accept slot to customize the content. A total of {{total}} pieces of "100 " : are displayed by default. ...