using the debug module, set DEBUG is valid in cmd, but not in powershell. Why? how do I use the set DEBUG command in powershell? ...
as shown in the picture: keep it. is normal before php-v is executed, and there is a flash in the interface after execution, and then this happens. Why is this happening? how to solve this problem? ...
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT .VBS] @="VBSFile" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT .VBS PersistentHandler] @="{5e941d80-bf96-11cd-b579-08002b30bfeb}" how to run registry code in .cmd file ...
when you execute a command on the cmd command line, usr bin bash: patch: command not found appears. How do you install patch in windows? The specific errors are as follows: D: workspace www go_work src golang_learning>bazel run :gazelle...
question: The CMD module relies on the second parameter deps, written in the define function and what s the difference between the require written in the third parameter factory function? For example: define( hi , [ jquery ], function (require...
assume that the target program is abc.exe and runs with the parameter -a xxx-b xxx , so how do you implement this script? power shell and normal cmd are both fine. ...
when using ConEmu to split the screen, such as four screens under a tab page (as shown below), at this time, the default is that the active window depends on the position of the mouse. I want to disable this feature because this default feature is n...
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set a=4 set a=5&echo !a! pause Save the above code as a bat file, can run normally, output 5 , but enter the above command line by line on the command line, output! a! will! a! Replace it with! a! a! ^!...
What s the difference between CommonJS,AMD,CMD? What are the applications at the front end? Please give us an in-depth explanation of [gratitude] ....
call cmd k command to execute command, how can I save the command I just executed into doskey history? Just like I win+r > cmd > execute command, and then I can repeat the command with the up and down arrow keys. ...
how to use the shell command to convert a bunch of .csv files from ansi format to utf-8 format under windows? Source folder input_dir destination folder output_dir Thank you ...
when using vue-cli+webpack to build a project, use npm run dev to run, but before the computer will only display the current information in the command prompt, the previous compiled information will be hidden, and the new computer will show new and old....
environment variables have been configured, but commands such as node cannot be used on cmd. Commands such as node-v and npm-v can be used on powershell, but when I try to install uglify-js globally on powershell, I show that the installation is s...
1. Premise: passed the ssl application in Tencent Cloud, https: doc.; get the Nginx certificate and follow the tutorials in the link to install the certificate https: doc. 2. Question: Where is the tu...
start.bat content start b C: Users ll Desktop main.exe >. log.txt Files are written together in log.txt: I think the expected result is 2018-04-25 17:08:26 ...
encountered this problem when using docker: my php project uses composer to install extensions. I want to update every time I run docker, and also run php start.php . This results in two commands composer update and php start.php in the cmd of th...
use electron as a client. To be able to choose a printer to print, node-printer is currently used, but files in other formats except txt cannot be printed ....
can be accessed locally, but not remotely. Port and pidfile, firewalls have been modified and ports have been opened. But Telnet still doesn t work. Port is going to be changed to 60379 ...
I can use $_ SERVER [ HTTP_HOST ] to know the current web address and also $_ SERVER [ PHP_SELF ] to know which file I am loading now for example, when I am in index.php , he will show index.php if I am in admin index.php , he will show ...
after entering the list page, automatically request background data, then click to enter the details page, and then return, want to remember the location of the last list page, how to achieve? currently encountered a problem: 1: which way to achieve ...
the topic selection of graduation design will begin recently. Do you have any good websites or front-end creative topics? To do Canvas 3D cool, three.js the cost of learning is a bit too high. Originally wanted to build a Cantonese culture integrated ...