I usually put my local package in classmap before. watched a video two days ago. The more standard way to write it is to put it in psr-4. after writing into this, the class cannot be found; "autoload": { "classmap": [ ...
case : Composer installs two packages, executes the script with vendor bin phinx.bat in the way of cli, and returns an error: the function is defined repeatedly. question : there are indeed env () functions inside both packages. But I m executin...
problem description according to the instructions on the official website, you cannot pull a package when you submit a package to composer, but pull it to composer require. package address is: https: packagist.org package. I have tried to type tag...
problem description check the Packagist package management repository to see that the latest version is 1.12 . 1.11.1 1.11.1 does anyone know what this is all about? TKS! ...
< hr > Is a problem with the Laravel version, or the PHP version, or the lack of the mcrypt extension? how to solve it? I also reported this mistake in several other bags of this boss jormin. What s wrong with this? Ask for advice < hr > done, t...
A global package has just been installed using composer according to laravel documentation, but the document only explains how to install it, but does not say how to uninstall it. Excuse me, what is the command to uninstall? this is a command I have t...
offline development projects need to use new libraries, so require also local composer.json , composer.lock are updated, so push these two files online (online composer install has installed dependencies). What command should I use to install a n...
Installation failed, reverting . composer.json to its original content. [Symfony Component Process Exception ProcessTimedOutException] The process "git clone --no-checkout git@github.com:caouecs Laravel-lang.git home vagrant b bs_...
an error will be reported when a new project is run on centos git pull using composer install and update. What is the problem? Fatal error: Uncaught ReflectionException: Class config does not exist in home www station vendor laravel framework src Illu...
I installed carbon, with composer and got an error when using it: fatal error: Class CarbonCarbon not found I installed it using composer require nesbot carbon. The directory structure after installation is as follows: Do you want to set some...
problem description appears when using composer install or other commands -sharp! usr bin env php <?% even if you use -vvv to print the log as shown in the figure php environment is 7.2 system is OSX 10.13.3 used to be quite normal, ...
packages published on https: packagist.org, with tag, typed and composer clear-cache executed to clean up the cache, have been submitted for a day and still cannot be installed through composer. is this a delay problem? how to solve this problem? is...
as the title, a plug-in is currently used in the project but not in the Chinese image, so I would like to say whether the two can be matched together, and then use the second repository below when downloading this plug-in. All others default to the Chin...
1. Update composer locally 2. Full package upload server 3. The server prompted that the file could not be found. Update composer 4. Why do fully packaged uploads of local updates still need to perform composer update? ...
every time composer up appears this and updates it for a long time No problem if you update locally, update will appear on top of the linux service composer has also been updated and has not been resolved ...
in MACOSX11, the pre-installed version of PHP is 5.5. I installed PHP7, with brew myself. When using composer install, the PHP is required to be no less than 5.6. what should I do? first of all, mac os is not as simple as linux to delete usr bin php, ...
Yii2 failed to survive composer install on the server root@dv: home dv-sharp composer install Do not run Composer as root super user! See https: getcomposer.org root for details Loading composer repositories with package information Installing depende...
what does the ^ in "^ 3.4 " below stand for? "symfony http-foundation ": "^ 3.4 " ...
Why does the card not move when it is stuck in composer create-project laravel laravel-- prefer-dist my_laravel, and does not report an error source has been changed to a domestic source, and you can also surf the Internet ...
question I see laravel s composer.json file autoload also does not configure the mapping relationship in vendor autoload_classmap.php . Normally, if there is no configuration, the array that executes the composer dump-autoload file will not be...
passing ArrayMap with intent will cause an error, android.support.v4.util.ArrayMap cannot be cast to java.io.Serializable is there any better way? ...
usually our home page routes are intercepted in this way @Controller @RequestMapping(" ") public class index { @RequestMapping(method = {RequestMethod.GET}) public ModelAndView index() { return new ModelAndView("view ind...
the html code rendered by v-html has img, but does not set width and height. All pictures are displayed according to their own size, and the page is made ugly by pictures. I hope to add a fixed width and high style to the img tag ...
after saving the value of redis in Java, the value cannot be fetched. You can save it to redis, but the value of key taken out is null . @Autowired private JedisClient jedisClient; redis redis jedisClient.hset("INDEX_CONTENT", cid+"&qu...
when you change the code, you load it again, instead of changing it on the basis of the original . ...