1. Config.php has set url_domain_deploy to true 2, the settings in route.php are as follows: return [ , __alias__ => [ ], __pattern__ => [ ], __domain__ => [ *.tt => ind...
routing: Route::post( api :version address$ , api :version.Address createOrUpdateAddress ); constroller: create Or update userAddress public function createOrUpdateAddress() { (new AddressNew())->goCheck(); $val...
my website uses pagoda panel + TP5 frame + VUE, and the configuration in vue is as follows mode: history , base: process.env.BASE_URL, Pagoda panel configuration is shown in figure it is normal to click to jump now, without anchor-sharp; , but...
problem description Nginx configuration failed NginxPHP7Thinkphp5 I hope the final request is as follows: api.JhouShuai.com 3.0.0 ucenter profile-> api.JhouShuai.com V300 ucenter profile 2.api.JhouShuai.com 3.0.1 ucenter profile-> api.Jhou...
" appcms taglib CmsTagLib " t ...
when developing with native PHP, just add the following lines of code directly to the configuration document location { try_files $uri $uri index.html; } now after changing to TP5, adding the above lines of code will not work. Has any boss eve...
add a self-destruct program, set it to be activated after a certain time of visit, and then self-destruct for a number of periods of time. The file database is empty. How do you do that? ...
<?php namespace app index controller; use think Controller; use think Db; header("Content-type:text html;charset=utf-8"); header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); class UserExit extends Controller { public function ...
tp5 one-to-many associations, the code logically queries the number of associations only once, but debugging shows that there are two database queries. is just Student- > klass- > all (), which makes an associative query, but actually queries the data...
below is the file of WeChat Pay SDK containing samples I am using TP5, how should I introduce and use them in my controller entanglement points: Namespaces are all used in TP5, and all nine files in this SDK are introduced with require_once . How...
I want to group statistical arrays, and then the condition is the time region, how to achieve [Error] A pipeline stage specification object must contain exactly one field. at line 1, column 1 db.getCollection("user_reg").aggregate([ ...
< table > < thead > < tr > < th > Classification Table: < th > < tr > < thead > < tbody > < tr > < td > id < td > < td > department < td > < td > pid < td > < td > level < td > < tr > < tr > < td > 1 < td > < td > Administration < td ...
now the project has two domain names under the same framework, one admin.xxxx.com, one api.xxxx.com, the controller corresponds to admin and api controller respectively, cannot get the shared session 1, add ini_set ( session.cookie_domain , ".xxxx....
$cardNoBegin = 1; $cardNoEnd = 10000; $where[ number ] = array( between , [$cardNoBegin , $cardNoEnd]); $list = VipCardModel::where($where)->field( id,number,issue_uid,rank )->select(); foreach($list as &$value){ foreach $value...
A rookie problem, which is a controller of ThinkPHP, calls other methods to print $this- > accounts is [], whether to render index or not, the life cycle of this controller instance is over. When routing access to other methods, the instance will be cr...
if you use ThinkPHP as a project, you can t understand the meaning of Session scope. Why do you set this to work on the server? isn t session invoked on the server? https: www.kancloud.cn manua... ...
problem description there are many rows in the data table, and each row has 10 fields such as day_1, day_2, day_3,..., and day_10. The data has been obtained to the list array and needs to be output as a table in the template file. the environmental...
problem description according to this entry code https: www.kancloud.cn inbuf... verifies there in Chapter 6 and finds that no matter whether the verification is correct or not, the error database table does not exist. At that time, I was not sure t...
how to concatenate SQL statements to return data of type float when querying? ...
I can perform database operations localhost user man list when I access it in the browser. in the command window, cd enters the public directory, and then you can execute the code according to the normal thinkphp request mode. Even if you cannot exec...
problem description Does the stored procedure of mysql automatically start a transaction the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried the problem is that there is a piece of code that opens the transaction, and the ...
how do users create and insert new data when requesting data? I think the data sent from the background will be added to the initial data data, and then re-setData ({}). But if the amount of data is large, such as the initial display of 20 pieces of data...
I don t know if you have encountered text-align: justify; and-webkit-line-clamp: 3; there will be ellipsis and word overlap when used together ...
it s no use setting fix:true in eslint-loader. I m using the editor s plug-in to save the format. How can I make webpack work automatically? ...
proxyTable: { api : { target: http: , changeOrigin: true, pathRewrite: { ^ api : } } } ...