it s embarrassing. I have tried N times, my system is win10 environment is phpstudy integrated environment! in my php.ini, openssl has been opened and CA certificate has been downloaded. ...
Screenshot of error message is as follows error content: [ComposerDownloaderTransportException] The "https: p provider-2018-01%245364abf20a2335046831825d0f875bd8117c10523d85a475acb2056d7214e62e. json " file could not be downloaded (...
my server environment is ubuntu16.04, and then I compile and install php7.2.4, and finally install composer, there is an error. the command I executed (follow the first step of the installation step of the composer official website): php -r "cop...
the computer has reinstalled the system (windows10), installed xampp (xampp for php7), and then follow the tutorial on composer s official website to install composer step by step. After the installation is successful (composer-version can show the ver...
thinkphp5 composer tp5 composer ...
Today I want to submit a little bit of stuff to packagist according to the tutorials; but at the last step of the tutorials, I made a mistake. I didn t report an error when I submitted it to packagist; but if I execute composer require daji hello...
https: devforgalaxy.github.i. I am here to see the first step alone is off . sudo php -r "readfile( https: installer );" > composer-setup.php -bash: composer-setup.php: Permission denied ...
php zip ...
page code is - <path id="circlePath" fill="none" stroke="-sharpfff" stroke-width="18px" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-dashoffset="-17.75" d="M 138 12 A 125 125 0 0 1 138 262 A...
now I decompiled Wechat Mini Game and found that its code js seems to be packaged into a file code.js (20,000 lines) should be the layabox used by the subcontracting mechanism now I want to get the code of the development environment? ...
what is the relationship between Object.__proto__ and Object.prototype in javascript? printed in chrome, but it s still not clear how to describe the relationship between them: ...
also tried to add the class name to Input to modify it without any effect. ...
after ionic3 installs the barcodeScanner plug-in, package Execution failed for task : app:transformDexWithDexForRelease . : npm text version reports error: :app:transformDexWithDexForRelease FAILED FAILURE: Build failed with an exc...