packages published on https:, with tag, typed and composer clear-cache executed to clean up the cache, have been submitted for a day and still cannot be installed through composer. is this a delay problem? how to solve this problem? is...
Today I want to submit a little bit of stuff to packagist according to the tutorials; but at the last step of the tutorials, I made a mistake. I didn t report an error when I submitted it to packagist; but if I execute composer require daji hello...
I found a lot of information on the Internet, but I couldn t find it. Specially came to sfgg to ask questions, the online search is either unable to pack or wrong. Ask Daniel for an answer or give an article, both apk and ios need to thank you. At prese...
In Android, I present an Activity, as Dialog and change the size of the window. The code is as follows: Window dialogWindow=getWindow (); WindowManager.LayoutParams lp=dialogWindow.getAttributes(); DisplayMetrics d=getApplicationContext().getR...
I submit the form data through the $.ajax method of jquey. The backend can receive it normally, but not with is added through new FormData append. Why can t axiosy? the channel is submission formData requires special configurati...
win10ftpftp: 192.169.5..., ftp...
what if the @ Transactional (rollbackFor=Exception.class) cannot be executed because of a framework defect , and the transaction cannot be rolled back? as shown in the figure, it is wrapped by me in try catch. An exception occurred after the execu...