I d like to check, how to pass the local film through the php video? suppose I have a profile that is full of slices but how can I buy each slice via php without changing the name of the clip? I can read, but only for uploading. I really don t kn...
this is my configuration if (config.build.productionGzip) { const CompressionWebpackPlugin = require( compression-webpack-plugin ) webpackConfig.plugins.push( new CompressionWebpackPlugin({ asset: [path].gz[query] , algorith...
although I know that this question is a little worthless, but now the js compression on the web side can not compress such a large file. Please answer my question . File: cltest.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com lib.min.js ...
the same picture can be compressed into different sizes or even different types of pictures according to the following parameters. How is this done https: img.alicdn.com imgextra i1 2064892827 TB20kU.iLxNTKJjy0FjXXX6yVXa_!!2064892827.jpg_490x490q100.j...