ask all of you if you have a link to the dataset used in the competition at that time. Because the official website has stopped downloading. Please share it with me. I am in urgent need of this data set in the project of commodity identification. ...
beginners try to run a GitHub project ( https: david-gpu .) find the dataset Large-scale CelebFaces Attributes (CelebA) Dataset ( http: p.). Among them, there are 200000 pieces of data from Align&Cropped Images. but ev...
vue htmltemplate jsvardatavue$refs start it in the updated hook, because other hooks will not catch it (it s useless to put it in mounted) but the advertisement doesn t move. How should I write it? PS: doesn t need the code here. It just wants t...
< H2 > Environment < H2 > Win7Python 3.6.5, < H2 > situation < H2 > there is import MySQLdb in the script that can be executed directly, but it is executed in the venv created with a failure prompt ModuleNotFoundError: No module named MySQLdb...
set Taobao image npm install-g cnpm-- does registry= https: create a new project through vue init webpack projectName every time it has nothing to do with Taobao image? Then I see that other people create projects in a matter ...
as shown in the figure, the development environment is configured with forwarding but after packaging, there is no whether the code in the production environment can be forwarded . now the URL in the production environment defaults to the access ...
questions about es5 inheriting subconstructor prototypes Line 5 of the code I can understand that the prototype of the fourth line of child constructor is Sub.protorype = new Super () from the parent constructor new, so here Sub.protorype.cons...