problem description element table sorting defaults to single-column sorting, and the style of the column before the corresponding point will be cancelled. What I need now is multi-column sorting (the function is sorted in the background, and the foreg...
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Process p = new Process(); string path = @"H: src"; p.StartInfo.FileName = @"E: Python Python36 python.exe"; ...
problem description when using axios to get data, you can never assign values to variables defined in data data() { return { results: null } }, mounted: function () { var self = this; axios.get( plot ) .then(fu...
the front and rear ends are separated, the front end is localhost:2200, and the back end is localhost:8080 and localhost:8081 An options request will be sent first when sending a complex post request. But options requests 500 not even changing the ...
def getArrayMean (data_array): mean_list = [] for i in range(data_array.shape [1]): row_mean = np.mean(data_array[:,i:i+1]) mean_list.append(row_mean) return mean_list def drawScatter (setosa, versicolour,para_list): plt.scatter(setosa, vers...
I recorded the token, timeout when I logged in, as shown in the following figure: is there any way to set the expiration time for one of these key,? Or delete the data automatically when it expires? If you can t set the expiration time, do you jus...