for example, I am monitoring a writable event. After sending the data, I want to release the monitoring. What should I do? ...
recently, I have been learning about java nio, which has been a bit strange. There is such a common code in nio programming . for(xxxxxxx){ if(selectionKey.isAcceptable()){ ServerSocketChannel ssc = (ServerSocketChannel)
recently, I have been learning about java nio, which has been a bit strange. There is such a common code in nio programming . for(xxxxxxx){ if(selectionKey.isAcceptable()){ ServerSocketChannel ssc = (ServerSocketChannel)
recently, I have been learning about java nio, which has been a bit strange. There is such a common code in nio programming . for(xxxxxxx){ if(selectionKey.isAcceptable()){ ServerSocketChannel ssc = (ServerSocketChannel)
recently, I have been learning about java nio, which has been a bit strange. There is such a common code in nio programming . for(xxxxxxx){ if(selectionKey.isAcceptable()){ ServerSocketChannel ssc = (ServerSocketChannel)
recently, I have been learning about java nio, which has been a bit strange. There is such a common code in nio programming . for(xxxxxxx){ if(selectionKey.isAcceptable()){ ServerSocketChannel ssc = (ServerSocketChannel)
epoll has two working modes, horizontal trigger and edge trigger. The manual says that when the edge is triggered, the file descriptor must be non-blocking, which I can understand. But why can horizontal triggers handle blocking io? in horizontal trig...
I use vs code to write Linux c programs under Mac, and automatically Synchronize to my remote Linux server machine to compile and run tests. because you want to use the < epoll.h > library, the various constant definitions in it are not prompted unde...
when deleting a fd from the epoll event collection using epoll_ctl, is the fourth parameter event required? for example, delete a writable event in ET mode, void Del(int fd) { epoll_event ev; memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev)); ...
Client code: -sharpinclude <arpa inet.h> -sharpinclude <unistd.h> -sharpinclude <stdio.h> -sharpinclude <sys types.h> -sharpinclude <sys stat.h> -sharpinclude <string.h> -sharpinclude <fcntl.h> -sharpinclude &l...
< H1 > premise < H1 > Environment: linux configuration file: use epoll; in nginx.conf < H1 > personal analysis < H1 > of the five IO of linux, this one of epoll is Synchronize non-blocking and belongs to NIO. when a message comes, the kernel mod...
hover flashes when you move it up. ...
premise: now write a table, content with vue v-for loop, the tr height is 40px; add border-bottom:1px; question: the part of td, check the element height is 41px when there is text filling; when there is no text filling, check the element height is 40p...
I saw this sentence in an article that introduced the difference between get requests and post requests. does the so-called harmless mean that the browser will cache this request and no longer send the request when it falls back? ...
the native PHP,vue-cli build used before can be run by putting it directly into the running directory. the thinkPHP that just changed today, put the file after build under view, open the website and report an error. Does need additional configuration? ...
The project uses vue+iview. I click the button to generate several subcomponents. Now, after filling in the information in these child components, you need to pass the data to the parent component. But now the problem is that only the last filled in can...