this is the server code app.get( test , (req, res, next) => { res.json( test ) }) frontend code, 1000 requests <Menu.Item key="abc"> <a onClick={() => { for (let i = 0; i < 1000; iPP) { fet...
the address where you want to reverse proxy is http: ?page=2 s reverse proxy setting in nginx is as follows http: localhost:8099 api?page=2 this is the reverse proxy setting in node access http: localhost:3300 api?page=2 cannot a...
the project is built with react scaffolding. The data is obtained from the backend service built by express-generator packaged file directory: srcservice: homepage: . is added to package.json. The index.html page can be directly run in build, but...
npm start run result $ npm start > voteapp@1.0.0 start E: project PumpkinCage Pumpkin server > set NODE_ENV=development&& gulp default [15:53:55] Using gulpfile E: project PumpkinCage Pumpkin server gulpfile.js [15:53:55] Start... is a picture url ...
backend express app.all( * , function(req, res, next) { res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); res.header( Access-Control-Allow-Methods , PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS ); res.header("Access-Control...
app.js var app = require( express )(); websocket ExpressAPPHTTP var http = require( http ).Server(app); var io=require( )(http); var users=[] connection connection io.on("connection",function(soc...
the default route is app.use (nuxt.render); the display effect is 3000 but I want admin how should I change it? app.use ( admin ,nuxt.render) will report the file under _ nuxt if it is used in this way. how...
< H2 > question < H2 > was timestamped in the module of require, and the second time also got the same timestamp as the first time. < H2 > Code < H2 > the previous code is normal, first only give the problem, the boss needs me to post all of it ...
when learning express and koa middleware, I have always understood it according to the onion model. But in theory, they are different. express var express = require( express ); var app = express(); app.use((req, res, next) => { setTimeout((...
Wechat official account is being developed. After the user clicks the menu, Wechat server will send a unionid to my server (written in express), and then my server will query the database and return the data to the front-end vue to meet the needs of disp...
how does Express, Passportjs, allow users to log in in only one place? passport passportsessionsession mongoosemongodb sessionpassportsession passport.serializeUser((user, done) => { const sessionUser = { _id: user._id, username: ...
I need to do a game background, but I don t know much about the back-end part, so I d like to ask the following people. I created the connection pool with the mysql module, and I see in the document that if you don t call pool.end () to close the con...
create an express project locally, access the remote mysql to add, delete, modify and query, and provide an API. There is no problem with local access to localhost:8080 getUsers. install nodejs, and install express, on the CVM (Huawei Cloud I use) and...
how does the background management system display in the background to set the time and place of the last login ...
function to be realized: 1. When the user clicks "join the shopping cart " in the interface, the front end will give a productId to the background, and the background will query the corresponding product information in the database according to the pr...
the domain.js code is as follows var mongoose = require( mongoose ) var moment = require( moment ) var Schema = mongoose.Schema function dateformat(val) { console.log( dateformat + val); return moment(val).format( YYYY-MM-DD ); } va...
the front end uses formData to transmit the base64 picture, and the background express+multipart receives the picture, but when the picture is too large, the background cannot receive it. Small pictures can be accepted ...
id! this is my current practice. The problem is that the last res.send () only deals with the first traversal. If you put res.send () outside the traversal, the value of goodsList does not change. Is there a big answer? ...
1. After following the beautification method of the nexT theme on the Internet, after using the hexo clean, hexo d-g command, I still can t push the modified part to github. What is the reason for this? the red exclamation mark is the problem that...
requirements: for example, the words "wed " on the x-axis above, if there are too many words, will squeeze out the values on both sides. Now I want to keep the three-digit ellipsis display for him too long, indicating that the contents in the pop-up w...
S1 = the sun is setting along the mountains, and the Yellow River flows eastward toward the sea. if you want to see the scenery of thousands of miles, please climb another tall building. S2 = If we don t have the guts to try anything, what s the...
this is the robots I generated with the love station tool. Txt file, detection shows that the rule is invalid, what is the reason ...
Mini Program can introduce iconfont alone, but how can it be introduced in mpvue? ...