deploy the nuxt project on Aliyun s server execute pm2 start npm-- name "nuxt-demo "-- run start command you can see that it is online but immediately the pm2 list view process shows errored View error log shows Created by npm, please don t edit m...
Environment win7,node v8.11.3 pm2 v3.2.8 question I started the program with pm2, and the terminal display was successful, but there was no such process in pm list, and the program did not start. I have no problem booting with node. Excuse me, how...
error after executing $npm install-g pm2-web npm WARN deprecated jade@1.11.0: Jade has been renamed to pug, please install the latest version of pug instead of jade npm WARN deprecated connect@2.30.2: connect 2.x series is deprecated npm WARN deprecate...
official documentation: http: docs... npm install pm2-g installed successfully pm2 start app.js ...
multiple processes currently implemented by pm2 cluster, want to know whether to add instance. ...
download the project from the official website via git package.json npm nuxtpm2 ...
example is as follows: PM2 can you customize the number of times of this restart when restarting? I checked the document for a long time but didn t see the relevant information. Ask for guidance? PM2 version is V3.2.2 ...
the content of 1.package.json is as follows: { "dev": "node server", "start": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production node server", "build": "node build build.js", "build:dll"...
individuals want to use pm2 to start the application using -- env parameters to specify some application variables. Check the document -- env usage can be set to a object . It is also written in this article . Here s how I write it: pm2 start --...
after pm2 starts the service, the port number must be added after accessing with www. .com. How to hide the port number, only the domain name www. * .com is displayed....
the express project has been configured with pm2 on the server and can be started successfully. The node port of express is 3000 now you can see the data under the corresponding node api by visiting http: about. My nginx currently...
can pm2 specify ports if you directly use node server.js to specify the port number in the project, you can get but in pm2, you will randomly assign a port number to me every time you restart is there a way to assign the project port number ...
the log is normal in local mode. After starting with pm2 cluster mode, the log cannot be output. The method of searching on the Internet has been tried all over, but it still doesn t work. version: nodejs:9.0.0 express:4.11 log4js:2.5.3 log conf...
problem description np2 initialization project Permissiondenied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic) reported an error the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried related codes Please paste the code text ...
the pm2 daemon is found to restart the application several times after it has been executed for a period of time. How can I check which part has gone wrong? I tried to log error, but didn t seem to log any errors: { "apps" : [{ "...
pm2 deployment Times error, has quoted the babel plug-in, but still reported the error of es6, ask God for advice, thank you very much! const policies = this.options.render.csp.policies ? {...this.options.render.csp.policies} : null ...
the project I wrote in koa2 is ready to be deployed on the test server. The server has pm2, installed and started. Do you need nginx configuration? and after I started, I seemed to prompt that the mongodb service did not start, how should I start it? ...
ssh: connect to host port 3999: Connection timed out fetch failed Deploy failed how to solve this problem? ...
create an express project locally, access the remote mysql to add, delete, modify and query, and provide an API. There is no problem with local access to localhost:8080 getUsers. install nodejs, and install express, on the CVM (Huawei Cloud I use) and...
want to check whether php has js pm2-like log function when it interacts with the backend, there will be log~ I found that this is not wrong to use to ask whether php has . ...
check the keywords of the paper in the input box. You can only enter five keywords at most, each of which must be separated by a comma. How can this be realized, boss? thank you . ...
in the process of learning jQuery, using the following simplest $.get () script, after debugging on Firefox, we found that the http request was successful, the response status was 200, and there was a normal response body, but the alert method was not ...
but I wonder if I can use a thread pool. Like fixedthreadpool. To limit the number of threads to control the number of visits if the number of visits exceeds the limit of the number of threads, refuse directly. Can you control the number of visits ?...
how do I ensure that the order of css definitions for Vue.js development and release is the same? when I was developing a Vue.js project, during development and after release, I found that the css style was inconsistent: excuse me, what s going...
after selecting, you will jump to a new page. How do you choose the option before the new page "remember "? ...