because of the need of the project, we changed the core chaincode shim code of fabric1.0.0. The tree structure of the corresponding shim is as follows: shim chaincode.go handler.go inprocstream.go interfaces.go java mockstub.go mockstub_test....
after the install is completed, it is stored as var hyperledger production chaincodes xxcc.1.0 of the peer container, so how is xxcc.1.0 called during instantiate? How is it called? How is the life cycle? ...
as the title: there are many objects in my canvas, I want to disable all of them. Please tell me how to do it if you are familiar with it. ...
I use the FabricJS library, how to achieve the effect of the above picture? If you achieve this fixed area, no matter how much the filled image is dragged, it will not be allowed to go beyond the circle, similar to the effect of cropping. Wait for ad...
When the fabricJS object is activated, how does the zoom button in the lower right corner of the object limit its maximum and minimum value? when the condition is exceeded, the button function becomes invalid ...
When runs first-samples, uses docker-compose- f docker-compose-cli.yaml up-d to start the network, the cli container cannot be created. Open the logs message of the cli container 2018-04-13 11 br 31br UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity-> DEBU 00b Ob...
< H1 > hyperledger fabric vendor miekg pkcs11 < H1 > .. work src hyperledger fabric vendor miekg pkcs11 pkcs11.go:26:10: fatal error: ltdl.h file not found < H1 > include < ltdl.h > < H1 > ^~~~~...