found such a previously unnoticed permission in a directory in Linux: srw-rw- . I know: r=4 w=2 x=1 so that if you ignore the beginning s , then two pairs of rw should mean that the owner and the group are readable and writable, but not executab...
Wechat: 467015242 changeAvatar:function (){ var that=this; wx.chooseImage({ count: 1, 9 sizeType: [ original , compressed ], sourceType: [ album , camera ], ...
in node js, use socket io to monitor a query event, then operate the database, make related queries, and broadcast the query results in the monitoring event. The query operation is carried out by calling other modules. How can the data be returned to the...
problem description for example: merchandise module is a separate service that exposes some rest api interfaces, providing product picture links, basic product information, etc. shopping cart is a separate module (for example, the module contains a ...
problem description I scanned my blog with kitchen knife software, and then I couldn t access my blog, but I could access https normally. 1ping www.dreamate.topping2 380 debug by myself 4 I still can t access debug 5 other https projects o...
problem description recently found a problem that neither value= value_1 nor v-modle can clear the value in the < input type= file > tag. If ref is OK, but in this case, it violates the principle of not directly manipulating the real dom. Is the...