now I use amfe-flexible for mobile adaptation. he would have added the data-dpr attribute to the html root node, and then set the font-size size based on this attribute. But the problem is that no matter how I set it, he won t add the data-dpr ...
when making an effect with scrollLeft, there is a deviation between the width and height obtained with jq and the true size, and sometimes a 1-pixel edge will be exposed. ...
Is the purpose of flexible.js distinguishing between dpr to set a fixed font size? Baidu found that the flexiblejs team felt that experientially speaking, the font size should not change according to the screen size, which is why, isn t it convenient f...
Ali s flexible HD solution is used in the vue project, but if I use a third-party UI component library, the component library I use will become smaller, which should be because the css of the third-party component library has not been adapted. how to...
when writing a website, I do a photo rotation function, which normally goes like this: ios: this problem is only found in iphone browsers, and it may take a little longer for the arrows to appear. this rotation is written by myself and does no...
how can the PC end be highly compatible? Generally speaking, our PC side only does width compatibility, if we want to do different resolutions, the display is the same. How do you do that? Is it possible to use rem?? background management system written...
[{ averse: 10}, { baked: 9}, { crested: 8}] compare the value size first, and then find the key? of the largest value for example, the biggest of the three is that value is found at 10, and then find out how to implement the key a . ...
how to share session? express using express-session module eggjs using koa-session module for two projects under the same domain name using express and eggjs framework respectively. Their cookie encryption seems to be different. ...
computed:{ ...mapState(, [ mapInstance ]), ...mapState(, [ mapConfig ]), }, storecomputed mounted(){ if(this.mapInstance){ ... } }, mountedmapInstance ...