two tables, one is category, and the other is product, defined as follows: type Product struct { ProductId uint32 `gorm:"primary_key;type:int(11) unsigned auto_increment;"` Category Category `gorm:"ForeignKey:CateIDRef;"` ...
it is said that Internet developers try to not to use foreign keys , so what does the here mean by not using foreign keys ? 1. The meaning here is clear: No foreign key constraints . For example, when deleting data in one table, if you want to casc...
this is written by jquery, the key jquery code: to achieve drag special effects var div1 =document.getElementById("faqdiv"); var disX = 0; var disY = 0; $(div1).css("margin","0"); div document.onmousedown = func...
there is a static.js in the project that stores the static variables in the project I think this file should be placed in the static folder, and import introduces when using it. colleagues feel that static files are used as dictionary plug-ins in th...
as shown in the figure, in the webApp of tomcat, class loading is triggered when an object instance is initialized. what is called here is the loadClass method of WebappClassLoaderBase. I wrote the code myself, and loadClass uses Launcher@APPClassLoader...
problem description error installing in NODE.JS environment the system is WIN2008 R2 64-bit. Please tell me what this is like. The following is the error sign after installation. Please tell me how to do it. the environmental background o...
Review element found that the second td was not rendered ask the bosses to answer ...