{"returnCode":"0","resultCode":"0","amount":1.00} $param= {"returnCode":"0","resultCode":"0","amount":1.00} ; $param=json_decode($param,true); defau...
how does WeChat Mini Programs implement something like datepicker or implementation of the selection plug-in for this date range (split into two separate picker to choose the start time and the end time, needless to say, that s what you do now) ...
recently there has been a bit of a trick in working on a table generator. when you click on a new column, a new column is added to the title and a new column is added to all the content. Click to add a new line. The new line is the same as the titl...
The native API of kafka can use consumer.assign (partitions) to subscribe to the API of the specified partition, spring kafka. Is there a corresponding method? I only found @ KafkaListener (topicPartitions = {@ TopicPartition (topic = "topic1 ", par...
there is a ridiculous need to use a network TV as a display screen, and then install Google. After entering the H5 web address, there is no sound, and there is no problem with the Baidu text-to-voice interface http: tts.baidu.com text2audio on the pc m...
this is how it jumps in another route: _this.router.navigate([ examdetail ], { queryParams: { examid: _this.examId[dataIndex]}}); when jumping to the examdetail route, only constructor,ngOnInit is triggered, not triggered: ngOnInit() { cons...