the application scenario is that the landlord plays the cards sequentially and each player plays the cards for 30 seconds. You can reconnect with the seniors to instruct the server. Thank you ....
problem description orcaleABCAPHONEBPHONECPHONE: A B C ID PHONE ID PHONE ID PHONE a1 11111 b1 11111 c1 11111 a1 22222 b2 33333 c2 11111 now I want to change the PHONE=11111 in ...
now use video.js v5 to play rtmp streaming, but there are a lot of problems. first of all, many browsers now disable flash, such as chrome, so they don t play it directly. second, after using CSS hidden, the flash tag will not be played in the block, ...
this question encountered when using workerman s gateway framework Events.php <?php ** * This file is part of workerman. * * Licensed under The MIT License * For full copyright and license information, please see the MIT-LICENSE.txt * Redist...
according to the needs of the project, when editing rich text, there is a corresponding button on the side that can be clicked to add fixed-format text at the cursor. such as: in "111111 " when the cursor clicks the button at the end, the text in the...
I use swiper.js to realize automatic rotation. Now there is a need to obtain the time interval between the pictures displayed in this rotation and those displayed in the last rotation, which can be used to bury the sites and monitor whether the rotation...