gitlab-ci.yml file: stages: - build - image build_package: stage: build script: - " root apache-maven-3.5.4 bin mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true" build_image: stage: image script: - ls olp_takeout_cloud target th...
The .gitlab-ci.yml file is as follows: stages: build deploy_test -sharp compile build: stage: build only: - master script: - mvn clean - mvn install -sharp deployment test server deploy_test: stage: deploy_test only: - master script...
recently, I have been using gitlab for continuous integration, but I have encountered a problem when configuring the. gitlab-ci.yml file of gitlab-ci. If I start the of tomcat with the shell command in A. gitlab-ci.yml, after the pipeline is ...
is like this, we are responsible for cross-platform SDK development, need to compile code on platforms such as mac, ndk, windows, ios, SDK uses a set of code. I configured .gitlab-ci.yml, in the repository root directory as follows job1: script: &q...
when using gitlab-ci to build a task, the following error occurs when executing the git clone task or push tried ssh-keyscan-t rsa > > ~ .ssh known_hosts failed after query. there is no problem with manual clone on the server whe...
1. the local dev build of this vue project can be run, and the console does not report an error. upload to github, I want to make a preview page via page. Result 404, and there is no specific reason for reporting an error http:
class human{ public $name = leo ; public $age = 25 ; public function __construct($name,$age){ $this->name=$name; $this->age=$age; } } means that when this human is instantiated, if no parameters are given, use leo, 25. found...
I would like to ask Aliyun what front-end framework is used to design the https: front-end home page? in particular, how should the following pop-up modules be implemented? ...
how can the front-end iOS, back-end php, track all variables at the same time when running in the background? the foreground sends the data to the background, how can the background see the changes of each variable when executing several functions, and ...
No problem in this way showDelText: ` ${delText} ` : 1 but if I add the html tag, it will display along with the html tag showDelText: ` <div> ${delText} < div> `, : <div> 1 <...