because InfluxDB clusters are charged. Now you are ready to use message queuing to solve the normal data Synchronize of the InfluxDB database cluster. But if a database server goes down, and then restart and start, how to recover the data and turn the da...
recently use jquery s ajax to send Json data to the Java background, because the default requested ContentType is application x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8, resulting in an extra "= " at the end of the Json data received by the background. now t...
premise now do a separate front and rear application, use shiro as permission control in the background, use jwt instead of session s stateless web application, customize a shiro filter.url with restful style. All interfaces url begin with api...
What s the difference between producer-consumer model and publish-subscribe model ? I feel the same. I read some articles but I m not sure. ...
how to create global variables in vue. refresh the page because of different templates. so creating a new js and defining something in main that cannot be used will be initialized. how to create a true global variable? ...
problem description it is said that the game was very popular a long time ago, but I suddenly saw it some time ago. It was fun to play, and then I thought about how to achieve this kind of arm linkage . first of all, both arms and legs are divided in...